50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World

UPDATE! This post has been so popular that we’ve searched the web and posted another, even better-rer, 40 Clever Life Hacks which you can see HERE and HERE

Life hacks are little ways to make our lives easier. These low-budget tips and tricks can help you organize and de-clutter space; prolong and preserve your products; or teach you something (e.g., tie a full Windsor knot) that you simply did not know before. Most of these came from tumblr and reddit, but we’ve searched through them all to prepare this list just for you!

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20. Separate egg yolks like a boss

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40. Ninja Fold

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And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


93 responses to “50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World”


    Excelent tips. Thank you.

  2. Whitedove Avatar

    love these thks

  3. Gay Miller Avatar
    Gay Miller

    Love it…should be daily tips and tricks! Any denture wearers, use a fresh small peice of a “scrubbie” to do a quick gunk rid.

  4. another trick, ever have pots with brass/copper bottom and chrome/silver for the rest. ever notice that the brass/copper bottom gets black or burned look after cooking with it, use lemon and salt, get the bottom of the pot wet cover in salt then use half lemon as a scrub brush and you will have a nice shiny clean brass/copper bottom.

  5. Stuck on greasy messes on non-porous surfaces(like stove hood)can be loosened with vegetable oil on a paper towel, then wash with hot water and dish soap.

  6. I dont “get: the drinking sodas on a beach one….
    enlighten me please???

    1. Ann McManus Avatar
      Ann McManus

      You cover the beer can with the soda can shell and it looks like you are drinking soda instead of beer.

    2. You first cut the bottom and top out of an old empty soda can then slip it over the unopened beer can. Pop the tab and enjoy.

    3. You thread a string through them and wear them as a nice beach necklace.

    4. Marcia Hyer Avatar
      Marcia Hyer

      to cover that you are drinking beer from puplic

    5. It’s illegal in some places to have beer on a public beach, like at a provincial park.

    6. the sodas are just modified to slip over the beer can so it looks like your drinking soda.ya dig

    7. They are covering the beer cans with soda cans..so the beer is not seen on the beach.

  7. kadacozarh Avatar

    When baking a frozen pizza save the cardboard round-pull pizza out of oven onto cardboard and you have the perfect cutting board.

  8. Save plastic milk jugs, with their caps–lots of ’em. They float really well. Trust me on this one.

  9. An easy way to remove any left over residue from any type of sticky substance is to use Skin So Soft from Avon. I think Target sells it also. It works great.

  10. My life hack contribution is: Save and clean out an old plastic parmesan cheese container and use it to keep your powdered cleanser (Ajax or Comet) dry and clump free.

    1. klipklop Avatar

      I use this container too for baking soda.

  11. #30. When I first looked at it, I thought it was a double male-ended cord to keep burglars out. lol Plug one end in, bad guy grabs the other, pick him up in the morning.

    1. I am like you on the cord plug. I knew who ever said put nails in the end of a cord had never done it. Probably that mean kid down the street got you to try it!

      1. Anonymous Avatar

        I don’t think the nail an cord thing was actually putting a nail into a cord. If you wrap the cord around the nail before pulling it around a corner it would pull on the nail instead of bending the metal on the plug an ruining it. I’m definitely going to try it sometime. Hope I helped!

        1. Folks I don’t get the nail thing in #30. If you look at the picture there’s not a nail in site. They used SCREWS.

          1. Really like really does a nail or screw make a diff. in terms of it being used in this method like really, either way a “nail” or screw in this method will make slip resistance in the way the pictures of both screws or “NAILS” are placed in the beams/walls or whatever the fixture maybe.

          2. Really Like Really does a “Nail” or Screw make a Diff. in this method, both “Nail” or Screw Will Cause Slip Resistance in this method, in laymen’s terms both “Nails” or Screws (in this method) will cause tension on the power cord(s) {shakes head stupid people these days}

    2. KARLOLINA Avatar

      Now this remark I loved. ROTFLMAO

  12. I have another. AFter boiling eggs. To peel them you use a teaspoon turned upside down. Eg use the curve of the teaspoon around the egg.

  13. #30 – Come on folks – haven’t you ever heard of “strain-relief”? That’s all this is, and this is just one of many methods that works well. And, those are not nails in the end of the cord – they are bent prongs from pulling on the cord that has no strain relief used.

    1. Did you look at the whole picture? Obviously no one thinks that the prongs of a plug are nails…you use the nails/screws to brace the cord or provide “strain-relief, as is shown in the second half of the image.

  14. 30 – Come on people – haven’t you ever heard of “strain relief”? That’s all this is – and this method is just one of many that works great. Also, those are not nails in the end of the cord – they are bent prongs from pulling on the cord without a strain relief method.

  15. Did you know you can use old motor oil to fertilize your lawn?

    1. The first rule of project mayhem is “you do not ask questions”.

    2. Don’t let the EPA find out…. It’s a mess to clean up and very costly!!!!!

    3. Robert Paulsen Avatar
      Robert Paulsen

      Tyler I also use that method.

    4. Robert Paulsen Avatar
      Robert Paulsen

      I do this too Tyler…..great advice

    5. Used motor oil will kill your lawn not to mention it is illegal.

    6. Sure, if you like having used motor oil in your drinking water.

    7. What is this…the blind leading the blind?

      1. KARLOLINA Avatar

        Two thumbs up to you. Why would anyone want motor oil on their grass? *confused look*

    8. the same goes for flower gardens with railway ties used as a box cover your railway ties in motor oil and it will help keep unwanted bugs from getting to your flowers/shrubs plants.

      1. railway ties are usually soaked in coal-tar creosote; as a result they are highly toxic and carcinogenic. Never use them in flower beds since they will kill your flowering plants.

    9. terrible idea. It gets into the water table. Please don’t do this!

  16. david farer Avatar
    david farer

    #30 looks unsafe……no drip loop
    #50 will be doing in the a.m.

  17. I will never wash out a ketchup bottle to put pancake batter in it.

    1. you can buy a “picnic” type refillable ketchup or mustard bottle at the dollar store

    2. klipklop Avatar

      I agree. Putting the batter into the bottle requires extra work and kitchen tools (funnel, spoon) that need to be washed. I mix my batter in a glass measuring jug, and pour it from there. Easy.

  18. Number 30 must be an arsonist

  19. Onions: use a VERY SHARP knife. No other crazy techniques required. Fumes are released when onion cells are crushed instead of sliced.

    1. For the onion cutting, you just have to light a candle in front of your cutting board. :)

    2. Agree Big Jule. That’s all it is with onions. Sharp sharp knife.

  20. wonderful great tips thanks guys/girls! feeling happy i’m smarter!

  21. Ann McCluskey Avatar
    Ann McCluskey

    One tip I saw on another list is so easy and works so well, I want to share!! When slicing or chopping an onion, put a cutting board on top of your stove, and turn on the exhaust fan! That takes all the fumes right out of your work!! Makes the job tear-free!

    1. Christine Rutherford Avatar
      Christine Rutherford

      I have used this option for no tears forever, my mother taught it to me. Keep onions in the fridge and slice them when cold. BTW I love this site and intend to try a few things asap, thank you <3

  22. Barbara Cullingsworth Avatar
    Barbara Cullingsworth

    I just used an old, wetted dryer sheet to clean dirty & greasy light switches. Also did the front door around the door handle. It took very little rubbing to make everything look brand new.

    1. Another use for used dryer sheets: If you have a Swiffer or Swiffer type floor tool, use your used dryer sheets instead of the expensive Swiffer sheets. They build up a static charge in the dryer, so they pick up pet hair really well.

  23. Nice tips… here are 3 more: (1)Remove sticker residue with masking tape: once you’ve peeled as much as you can, there is always that gummy mess which squishes around on the item. Use masking tape – apply & lift off… repeat if it doesn’t remove it all in one go. (2)Getting rid of seafood smells from your hands after cooking with stainless steel – while washing your hands with dish soap, rub a stainless steel spoon on your skin as if it were a bar of soap. Rinse… stainless steel neutralizes fish odours. (3)Glass table tops on metal frames are typically held in place by weak vinyl stick-ons. If you bump the glass the vinyl stickies often come loose and scratch the glass or worse break it. Replace the vinyl stickies with felt floor protectors for chair legs. And being felt, you can colour them with permanent markers to help match your metal frame. When bumped, the glass may move a bit, but nothing will break and nothing will come loose.

    1. V. Harris Avatar
      V. Harris

      #2 also removes onion smell from hands. Wash hands in running water while rubbing with spoon. Amazing.

  24. Duck tape over the top of the paint can works much better than a rubber band. It’s sturdier and doesn’t result in splattered walls when you pull the rubberband off.

  25. #30 – pretty sure those are screws… but hey.. whatever.. they’ll work too..

    1. I think the nails they are referring to, are in the picture on the left. Instead of the normal flat prongs they look like nails have been used as a substitute.

      1. Maybe not now that I looked at closer….

  26. realistdealsincejesus Avatar

    #46 – You could stop being a pussy.

  27. mean halene Avatar
    mean halene

    Ninja tshirt by far the coolest!!!

  28. Steve Drake Avatar
    Steve Drake

    Use drink lids for ketchup at restaurants. The bigger the better! Dont have to mess with that unrolling business

  29. Plastic clothes pins are great for closing cereal packages, potato chips and anything needing to be closed once opening.

  30. Mike Nestlerode Avatar
    Mike Nestlerode

    nice tips

    1. Caring for a horse with flies? Non scented oil with a hand rub of powdered cloves lightly on the areas of flies does a great job!!:)

  31. Pretty handy stuff!

  32. Chef Beth Avatar
    Chef Beth

    Love the dead fly in the candle! LOL

  33. Kaleb King Avatar
    Kaleb King

    Incredible! I’ll have to apply these things with most of my daily living.

  34. Kids fall out of bed? Theyll learn…

  35. very interesting would like more ideas thanks!!!!

  36. Jennifer Hutchinson Avatar
    Jennifer Hutchinson

    Love #50… great idea for us to make for our Youth Group Weekday Breakfasts!

  37. It’s says use nails but it shows screws….. Duhhhh

  38. Susan McNeal Avatar
    Susan McNeal

    I have always used the one with the sliver of soap and place it on a new bar my dad told me about that one years a ago. Haven’t thought about the bottle cap for the plastic bag of nestles chips or other bags like that. Pretty neat. Will have to tell dad about pancake bacon. He likes to cook breakfast foods. Will have to experiment on the folding of bottom sheets. I have trouble with them.

    1. Roll your bed sheets up and throw them in a pillow case…..Done!

      1. Great idea Chris J

  39. The bacon pancakes… awesome! super easy too, I used pre-cooked bacon!

  40. These little tips are great. My favorite is Ninja Fold. Thank You

  41. Brian L Clayton Avatar
    Brian L Clayton

    some of these are just brilliant

  42. david goldberg Avatar
    david goldberg

    I’ll enjoy using some of these ideas. Great stuff. Thanks. D

  43. Les, excellent idea!

  44. I tried the brownie in a mug. Meh. Too sweet, too wet, & pretty messy cleanup.

    Love the shower-head cleaning idea though, I’ll definitely try that one.

    Thanks for the tips.


    1. Worked great for me. Easy and good!

      1. another Steve Avatar
        another Steve

        I take my shower heads off to do that one, but I like to make sure the inside of the head is clean as well as the outside. Still use just vinegar. Vinegar and baking soda does the drains and tile grout as well.

    2. too sweet? I use paper cups /cake mix / water/ add whole grain of your choice stir to firm paste, form to sides with crater in middle of cup micro for couple minutes. can dress it up with jam. I add rolled oats, or whole wheat, etc to cake mix as I don’t care for the over sweetness, and whole grains adds nutrition. Sometimes, I add an egg. The paper cup is the ticket

  45. Les Woodson Avatar
    Les Woodson

    #8 unroll the rim to increase capacity? Much better to keep rim intact and push out the sides below the rim.

    I have a “life hack” that I use. I have no children in the house and the child safety caps on the mouthwash is a pain. So I use fingernail clippers to cut off the plastic tabs on the neck of the bottle. Now the cap unscrews easily.

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