Street Artist and City Worker Have Year Long Exchange on a Red Wall in London

Street artist Mobstr recently shared a photo story that took place over the course of a year. The artist explains:

“I cycled past this wall on the way to work for years. I noticed that graffiti painted within the red area was ‘buffed’ with red paint. However, graffiti outside of the red area would be removed via pressure washing. This prompted the start of an experiment. Unlike other works, I was very uncertain as to what results it would yield. Below is what transpired over the course of a year.”































And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


49 responses to “Street Artist and City Worker Have Year Long Exchange on a Red Wall in London”

  1. Aurélie Mai Freydier Avatar
    Aurélie Mai Freydier

    la façade d’un batiment appartient à celui qui la contemple

  2. I believe this “exchange” went on a while ago and last time i was in the area the wall was still red with no other graffiti other than that final message (which I think is cute) So actually I think he did the council a favour in the long run!

  3. Patrick Avatar

    Creating employment opportunities while entertaining us all… and in the end ? The random building looks quite nice now actually, the city worker did quite a good job. So to you, random artist I say – thanks :)

  4. What a waste of an artist’s year. Tagging is art until you place it upon another’s property and then it’s vandalism and a form of assault.

  5. The graffity topic can be summed up in this sentence:

    Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you.

  6. Olivia Nicola Auferkorte Avatar
    Olivia Nicola Auferkorte

    Lovely. Perfect. And THAT’s how you talk to the system :-)

  7. Richard Houle Avatar
    Richard Houle

    People are getting all pissy over this, and I’m just laughing at the trouble they went through just to cover up vandalism over and over again.

    1. Joe Fonebone Avatar
      Joe Fonebone

      And I’m laughing at the bloke passing himself off as a Poundland Banksy by repeatedly vandalising the wall. Win / win!

  8. Fantastic! :)

  9. Willie T. Stokes Avatar
    Willie T. Stokes

    Is there a way to buy a print of the last one? 15x20cm would be fine.

    1. I have enjoyed the story fanks

  10. Corvus2 Avatar

    Anyone see the irony? Apparently it’s okay to “graffiti” the internet with obscenities and threats of violence, but a bit of paint on a wall, even tastefully done, is too much…

    1. Nicky Avatar

      Sorry mate that makes no sense at all

      1. Corvus2 Avatar

        I’m saying the “public wall” we write on here on the internet is equivalent to that wall out in the physical world.

        1. BigWhiteDog Avatar

          Not even close.

          1. Corvus2 Avatar

            You do understand the concept of “virtual”, right?

          2. Richard Houle Avatar
            Richard Houle

            Where are we graffiting on the internet? None of us are understanding what you mean by that.

          3. Corvus2 Avatar

            Graffiti (plural of graffito: “a graffito”) is a deliberate mark made by scratching or engraving on a large surface such as a wall. The marks may form an image or writing.

            When you post on the internet you are making a deliberate, albeit virtual, mark on a virtual public wall. Pretty straightforward analogy.

          4. Richard Houle Avatar
            Richard Houle

            Well, that makes a little more sense. How ever, this is owned property where people don’t have permission to mark on it. And most places on the internet you have permission to post anything.

          5. Akselp Avatar

            Have you ever seen the “strongly opinionated” guys (usually men) in newspaper comment sections complaining about how their freedom of speech gets suppressed because they get moderated by the newspaper?

          6. Just give it up. They are stuck in a box.

        2. Benjamin Scott Avatar
          Benjamin Scott

          Congrats! Had to create an account on this website to tell you that I understand what you are mean, but it still doesn’t make any sense.

    2. Olivia Nicola Auferkorte Avatar
      Olivia Nicola Auferkorte

      I do [see the irony].

    3. San-Chan Avatar

      I get what you mean. It makes perfect sense. Apparently too much for others to understand.

    4. I get it, but I think the comparison is too easy. Like Richard said, the building is property of a person. Comments on facebook are in a different category imo (fb ain’t got no morals). And the artist probably predicted everything that happened on the wall. Cool experiment though (bit of a shame; I hoped for a real conversation in text on the wall).

  11. what about respecting other people’s house by leaving it the way they want it to be, mr “artist”? too bad the owner didn’t wait for you to come and beat the hell out of you punk.

    1. “House.” It’s a random city wall, take it down a notch warrior. You don’t need to incite vioence over a little bit of city funding. If anything it helped keep that worker hired.

      1. Joe Fonebone Avatar
        Joe Fonebone

        Oh right and littering keeps cleaners in a job yeah? Like they don’t have enough work to do already. Like that poor bastard constantly having to paint over graffiti produced by some knob with too much time and not enough brain power.

        No doubt twat features thinks this is all very clever and a bit of criminal damage ‘banter’. “I’ll photograph this, it’ll be REALLY FUNNY!” Bloke who’s having to keep covering it up probably wants to throttle the twat. Total bellendery.

        In summation: grow up dickhead.

        1. Brian Troy Avatar
          Brian Troy

          but then i wouldnt be able to read this awesome blog post.

          1. Vidthian Vernaculation Avatar
            Vidthian Vernaculation

            perfect fin

        2. The story says that the wall was already often the target of graffiti artists. You can also see other graffiti in some of the pictures so the artist didn’t give the cleaner a lot of extra work. If anything he made the cleaners job a bit more fun. Most of the time he’s probably painting over words like ‘knob’, ‘twat’ and ‘dickhead’.

          1. Joe Fonebone Avatar
            Joe Fonebone

            “The story says that the wall was already often the target of graffiti artists.”
            Two wrongs don’t make a right. Just your ordinary, everyday basic common sense that one.

            “You can also see other graffiti in some of the pictures so the artist didn’t give the cleaner a lot of extra work. If anything he made the cleaners job a bit more fun.”
            Yes because having MORE work to do is always more ‘fun’. He shouldn’t be giving him ANY more work. A comment that manages to be idiotic, self-absorbed AND immature – hat-trick!

            “Most of the time he’s probably painting over words like ‘knob’, ‘twat’ and ‘dickhead’.”
            Given that we’re talking about the level of intellect normally associated with graffiti I make you right on that point. Well done.

          2. obviously Avatar

            “Most of the time he’s probably painting over words like ‘knob’, ‘twat’ and ‘dickhead’.”
            Given that we’re talking about the level of intellect normally associated with graffiti I make you right on that point. Well done.”

            Can the same be said about the level of intellect of every person that belligerently uses the words knob, twat, and dickhead in public spaces, including a blog commentor that goes by the name joe fonebone?

        3. Lemon Pandemic Avatar
          Lemon Pandemic

          What’s “bellendery”?

          1. Joe Fonebone Avatar
            Joe Fonebone

            The act of being a bellend. As in ‘Lemon Pandemic appeared to miss the irony involved in asking on the internet what ‘bellendery’ was.’

        4. StarWallace Avatar


          New favourite word.

        5. Jimmy Avatar

          lighten up pal. Ypu dont moan about advertising plastered everywhere, some of us prefer this to having shitty products shoved down our throats

          1. Joe Fonebone Avatar
            Joe Fonebone

            You have no idea what my views are on advertising.
            Quite a coincidence you making that parallel when Banksy has made EXACTLY the same one. Have you no original thoughts?
            There were no adverts on this spot so your comment in relation to this particular instance is worthless and invalid.

            The world is awash with empty-headed hipsters, people who clearly have no idea as to what is vandalism and what might be interpreted as art.
            Still, Vive Le Revolution eh pal but only as long as there’s someone else to do the cleaning up after you.

          2. Jimmy Avatar

            lol you sound upset, it must get annoying being so uptight all the time, no need for the insults! Art or vandalism i like them both, especially on misserable buggers like you’s property! Since your such the art pundit ill come write twat and your wall and you can tell me if it’s art or not cause my empty head doesn’t have a clue (=

          3. Joe Fonebone Avatar
            Joe Fonebone

            I didn’t insult you, unless you assumed by mentioning ’empty-headed hipsters’ I was meaning you….

            “no need for the insults” / “misserable buggers like you”

            “misserable” “you’s property” “your” “ill”…. I gave up after that.

            Enough. I refuse to continue in a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

            Now THAT’S an insult.

          4. Jimmy Avatar

            hahaha your “INSULT” is plastered all over birthday cards at clinton cards. “Quite a coincidence you making that comment when many birthday cards have made EXACTLY the same one. Have you no original thoughts?” lol (=

          5. Viktor Avatar

            “people who clearly have no idea as to what is vandalism and what might be interpreted as art.”
            If Banksy had does this, would it be art? Who decides?

          6. arswipe Avatar

            You come accross as a sanctimonious prick mate.
            Do yourself a favour and shut up, you’re not holier than thou yourself I bet.

            Or are you claiming your Mr fucking Perfect.

          7. Joe Fonebone Avatar
            Joe Fonebone

            “You come accross as a sanctimonious prick mate.”
            Lead by example eh?

            “Or are you claiming your Mr fucking Perfect.”
            Not perfect but at least I can spell ‘across’ correctly.

        6. Viktor Avatar

          “Oh right and littering keeps cleaners in a job yeah?” – Erm, yep, it does. Well the ones that clean up litter, at least.

          “Like they don’t have enough work to do already.” – More hours worked (usually) means more pay received. Your point is?

          1. Joe Fonebone Avatar
            Joe Fonebone

            My point is currently flying over your head at 100 MPH.

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