Animal Photo Panorama Fails That Are So Bad They’re Good

Who doesn't love a good panoramic shot – this phone technology is perfect for capturing gorgeous meadows, hilltops or colorful deserts. Still landscapes can be captured with ease at just a touch of a button and scan with a steady hand – but what happens when you want to photograph an object that has a little bit more trouble sitting still – like your precious pets – well, you end up with a creature that has eight legs, two heads, and six tails!

It turns out that there are tons of panoramic pictures of these 'mythical' animals all over the internet- from limo horses to Cerberus dogs and multiple-legged cats, this photo technology seems to have no mercy when it comes to eerily disfiguring our beloved pets. Of course, without any fault of these innocent animals who just cannot seem to hold a pose or want to photobomb.

In the list below compiled by Bored Panda, you'll find the greatest panoramic pictures of animals. Each one of these funny fails is so unique that even the greatest imagination couldn't fathom these kooky beasts. So, sit back, relax, warm up those abdominal muscles and get ready for some hearty laughs. Also, don't forget to vote and comment on the most unexpected funny photos!



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