Asian Supermarkets Go Back To Using Leaves Instead Of Plastic

It should be one of the main goals in today’s society to reduce plastic consumption and to educate people on the environmental and global changes and problems that we are currently facing. Even though many of us believe that recycling will solve the problem, and continue using plastic, it is actually the complete opposite. In 2013, 254 million tonnes of trash was produced in the U.S. alone, and only around 30% was recycled. This means that the rest ended up in a landfill and will stay there for up to 1000 years creating toxic gas, polluting the earth and even ending up in the oceans killing many innocent creatures. Since most of us don’t get to see the reality, which is often hidden from us, there is an important task to educate people and to open their eyes to understand that the plastic packaging that we use for a couple of seconds will take up to 1000 years to decompose.

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