33 More Perfectly Timed Photos

Following on from our original and extremely successful “33 Perfectly Timed Photos” (see HERE), we thought we’d scour the internet to bring you a second edition.

With all the cameras and smartphones out there, it’s no surprise that, once in a while, someone captures a truly bizarre once-in-a-lifetime photo. Whatever you want to call them – forced perspectives, optical illusions or pictures taken at just the right angle – they are brilliant and hilarious because they totally twist your perception of what is real. We present you with a list of 33 perfectly-timed pictures that will fool your brain.

Some of these pictures make use of forced perspective – using their perspective to make objects of sometimes radically different size or composition seem related. Others are more like optical illusions, capturing confusing lines or environmental coincidences that twist your senses.

The most important common element, however, is that somebody took a picture in the right place at the right moment. So grab your camera, even if it’s just a cellphone, and get out there! There’s no telling what hilarious once-in-a-lifetime moment you might capture.

Source: Nick Kelly

Source: allarmo.livejournal.com

Source: script-tutorials.com

Source: kulfoto.com

Source: omoristas.com

Source: imgur

Source: unknown

Source: unknown

Source: reddit

Source: reddit

Source: beetlesandhuxley.com

Source: unknown

Source: imgur

Source: howtobelieveinyourdreams.wordpress.com

Source: SharkBearz

Source: taringa.net

Source: unknown

Source: businessinsider.com

Source: dykai.eu

Source: widelec.org

Source: dykai.eu

Source: reddit

Source: reddit

Source: unknown

Source: unknown

Source: imgur

Source: unknown

Source: unknown

Source: reddit

Source: unknown

Source: clivewhite.co.uk

Source: unknown

Source: unknown

Photo by Simon Dawson

P.S.: we always try our best to credit each and every photographer, but sometimes it’s impossible to track some of them. Please leave a comment if you know the missing authors.

And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


4 responses to “33 More Perfectly Timed Photos”

  1. Jerzy Fejsbóg Avatar
    Jerzy Fejsbóg

    Not tracking elliott erwitt(the bird/faucet pic) is a major oversight

  2. Jacqueline Avatar

    I enjoyed these very much. Great combination of irony, cute, brow-raising, outrageous, and equaling hilarious! Keep the compilations coming!

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