A Darkly Inappropriate Comic Strip About A ‘Slutty’ Witch

History hasn’t been good to witches. Whether it be in film with the Wicked Witch or real life where the witch hunt saw an estimated 35,000 to 100,000 executions, they simply haven’t had a good time of it.

Elizabeth Pich & Jonathan Kunz of War and Peas are trying to change the fate of witches, creating a dark comic strip that illustrates “the adventures of a Slutty Witch”.

“The character was spooking around in our heads for a while,” Elizabeth and Jonathan said. “We’d been wanting a slutty, empowered female character for some time. ‘Slut’ and ‘witch’ are two words that have been reclaimed and redefined to represent aspects of feminity such as freedom and power. We liked that.”

“She definitely knows what she wants and takes no shit from anybody,” they added. “She’s also open-minded and a good friend. She reminds us of a lot of kick-ass women we know. Her only vice? Probably all the hot, distracting sex she’s having.”

“Halloween is the only night of the year that she can roam the streets incognito. She’ll definitely mix in with the common folks and party a little with her vampire boyfriend.”

What do you think about the duos ‘slutty witch’?

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