A Huge Hand-Crocheted Tree Gives Visitors to Zurich’s Train Station a Full Sensory Experience

Renowned Brazilian artist Ernesto Neto has unveiled GaiaMotherTree, a monumental installation that aims to bring the spirit of the Amazonian rainforest inside Zurich’s Central Station. Organized by the Fondation Beyeler, the project sees a twenty-meter high sculpture extending right up to the ceiling of the station concourse. its see-through structure is made of brightly colored hand-knotted cotton strips and resembles a majestic tree.

With nearly half a million people passing through the site daily, Neto’s immersive installation functions as a meeting place and a venue for interaction and meditation. shaped like the crown of a tree, the upper part of the work covers the ceiling of the station while at the base of the tree visitors can find a space to linger and rests on seats arranged in a circle. To complete the experience, drop-shaped elements hanging from the branches are filled with aromatic spices and dried leaves.

‘The idea is to slow down our time, for us to have time to breathe and feel life inside of us,’ comments neto on GaiaMotherTree.

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