Category: Animals
Artist Transforms Arabic Words To Illustrate What They Actually Mean
Fancy learning a new language? What about Arabic? Now you can learn it with ease with the help of artist Mahmoud Tammam who has created a series of illustrated Arabic words which show exactly what each word means in pictorial form. Tammam has manipulated the sloping curves and dots of the Arabic characters into the bodies of animals, pieces…
Photographer Takes Pictures of Ingo The Dog And His Owl Friends And They’re Amazing
Ingo and friends are the members of Tanja Brandt's family who is an incredible animal photographer. These furry and feathered beauties are perfect models to portray beautiful, sweet and unexpected moments between two extremely different species. “I’ve always loved animals, since I was a baby, unlike the rest of my family"- said Tanja to Bored…
Video Captures the Mesmerising Wonder of a Murmuration of Starlings
During the winter of 2014/2015, Dutch filmmaker Jan van Ijken captured the absolutely gorgeous sight of a murmuration of thousands of starlings taking flight at dusk and creating an incredible air show with incredible agility and grace as they flew in sequence with each other. A longer version of this film entitled “The Art of…
Japanese Craftsmen Releases a Range of Miniature Furniture for Cats
Japan’s Okawa Kagu has just released a new “craftsman MADE” line of high quality furniture for cats. The new campaign entitled “craftsman MADE” is intended to reinvigorate the once-prosperous craft industry of Japan’s Fukuoka prefecture region. Home to 150 furniture-manufacturing factories, Okawa Kagu came up with the idea to merge the internet’s love for cats…
Girl From Belgium ‘Escapes’ to Ethiopia to Spend a Week With the Surma Tribe
Photographer and Travel blogger Marisa Papen recently wanted to experience a new culture. Something radically different from her cosy life in the heart of Belgium. So along with photographer Jesse Walker, Marisa caught a plane to the Omo Valley in Ethiopia and spent a week living with the Surma Tribe. Marisa tried to integrate herself…
Artist Transforms a Fallen Redwood Tree into A Gigantic Octopus
Talented artisan Jeffrey Michael Samudosky of JMS Wood Sculpture in Gig Harbor, Washington has created an absolutely stunning giant pacific octopus that he carved with a chainsaw into a large piece of wood from a fallen redwood tree. The enormous cephalopod took a great deal of time and effort, but the result is absolutely gorgeous. And don’t forget, if you’re…
Stunning Images From the 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
The Bird Photographer of the Year 2017 has just closed, and the stunning photo above by Alejandro Prieto Rojas was declared the overall winner. For its second edition, this photo contest was dedicated to the photography of birds. Organized by Nature Photographers and the British Trust for Ornithology, the Bird Photographer of the Year contest is dedicated to raising public awareness…
Footage of 30 Hummingbirds Splashing in a Birdbath
Photographer wildwingsla captured absolutely amazing footage showing a charm of thirty hummingbirds partaking in their daily ablutions together in a bubbling bird bath. The photographer made particular note of the peaceful co-existence of the bathing birds, particularly since they are known to be a bit territorial. “A record 30 hummingbirds bathe together at one time…
Street Artist Paints Fake Shadows Around The City
Some strange shadows have popped up of late in Redwood City, California. Flowers sprout from the shadows of bike racks, mailboxes turn into shadow monsters, and shady monkeys hang around atop parking meters. What’s going on? They’re the work of Damon Belanger, a graphic artist living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. He was…