Bouncy Coloured Balls Installation by Nike Savvas

Atomic: Full of Love, Full of Wonder was a 2005 coloured balls installation by artist Nike Savvas at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art in Melbourne. The piece involved an immense array of suspended bouncy balls creating a dense field of color in the gallery space that was gently moved in waves by a nearby fan. How fun would it have been to walk through this? Savvas most recently exhibited a series of complex geometric thread installations at Breenspace.

Suspended Bouncy Ball Installation by Nike Savvas installation balls

Suspended Bouncy Ball Installation by Nike Savvas installation balls

Suspended Bouncy Ball Installation by Nike Savvas installation balls

Suspended Bouncy Ball Installation by Nike Savvas installation balls

And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


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