Eye of the Spider: Hypnotizing Macro Photos of Exotic Spiders Staring Directly into Your Mind

Lots of people don’t like spiders. Some people are even down-right scared of them.

Whatever you think about the eight legged critters, hopefully the amazing macro photography of Jimmy Kong will make you appreciate the intimate moments of arthropods found in his native Malaysia. Like hairy aliens from another planet, these tiny spiders seem to stare with giant, all-knowing eyes into your very soul. Whether they possess otherworldly secrets or a desire to attack your face is open to interpretation.

What you see here is just a taste of his macro work that also involves insects, reptiles and other creepy crawly things. See more on Flickr.

Eye of the Spider: Hypnotizing Macro Photos of Exotic Spiders Staring Directly into Your Mind spiders macro

Eye of the Spider: Hypnotizing Macro Photos of Exotic Spiders Staring Directly into Your Mind spiders macro

Eye of the Spider: Hypnotizing Macro Photos of Exotic Spiders Staring Directly into Your Mind spiders macro

Eye of the Spider: Hypnotizing Macro Photos of Exotic Spiders Staring Directly into Your Mind spiders macro Eye of the Spider: Hypnotizing Macro Photos of Exotic Spiders Staring Directly into Your Mind spiders macro Eye of the Spider: Hypnotizing Macro Photos of Exotic Spiders Staring Directly into Your Mind spiders macro Eye of the Spider: Hypnotizing Macro Photos of Exotic Spiders Staring Directly into Your Mind spiders macro Eye of the Spider: Hypnotizing Macro Photos of Exotic Spiders Staring Directly into Your Mind spiders macro Eye of the Spider: Hypnotizing Macro Photos of Exotic Spiders Staring Directly into Your Mind spiders macro Eye of the Spider: Hypnotizing Macro Photos of Exotic Spiders Staring Directly into Your Mind spiders macro And don't forget, if you're looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE! And don't forget, if you're looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


3 responses to “Eye of the Spider: Hypnotizing Macro Photos of Exotic Spiders Staring Directly into Your Mind”

  1. Christine Rutherford Avatar
    Christine Rutherford

    These pics are absolutely amazing!

  2. They’re are beautiful but at the same time still I don’t want any one them near me haha.

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