Category: Fun

  • 20 Modern Remakes Of Famous Paintings

    20 Modern Remakes Of Famous Paintings

    You’re probably familiar with a lot of these famous Western art masterpieces, but probably not like this! It started when partnered with Adobe to create the Remake project, which asked art students to recreate classic paintings into something else using photography. Here’s our favourite 20 of the remakes, including a couple of extras that we found…

  • 33 Painfully True Facts About Everyday Life

    33 Painfully True Facts About Everyday Life


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    Danish writer Mikael Wulff and cartoon artist Anders Morgenthaler – the creative duo known as Wumo – has created a brilliant series of graphs that illustrate some of the basic painful truths of everyday life in the Western world. Their graphs and diagrams are snarky and sarcastic but, for the most part, true. This, coupled…

  • 29 Things That Will Make You Smile No Matter How Bad Your Day’s Going

    29 Things That Will Make You Smile No Matter How Bad Your Day’s Going

    It’s been a long, tough week and the weekend is nearly upon us.  So we thought it was high time we did another post that just makes you smile.  So save this post to your favorites and pull it out every time you’re feeling a little down because it’s guaranteed to bring a smile back…

  • Happy Easter: Creepy, Terrifying And Just Plain Wrong Easter Bunnies!

    Happy Easter: Creepy, Terrifying And Just Plain Wrong Easter Bunnies!

    It’s that time of year again, the season when we take all of our tiniest, most vulnerable humans and give them the same scarring our parents inflicted upon us so many years ago. It’s the psychic hazing that we’re, as a society, all pretty comfortable with. We speak, naturally, of a visit with the dreaded…

  • Lunchbox Dad Makes Creative Sandwiches For His Daughter’s School Lunch

    Lunchbox Dad Makes Creative Sandwiches For His Daughter’s School Lunch

    Beau Coffron, better known as Lunchbox Dad, is a dad in the San Francisco Bay area that loves to make delicious and creatively designed lunches for his daughter Abby. Much like Samantha Lee, Coffron creates bento-style lunches using various reasonably healthy food ingredients cut into all sorts of creative and colorful shapes. Characters from Narnia, Spiderman,…

  • Artist Takes Crazy Drawing Requests and Delivers In The Most Amazing Ways!

    Artist Takes Crazy Drawing Requests and Delivers In The Most Amazing Ways!

    Imgur user gabroll works for a t-shirt company, and sometimes the customers ask him to draw things on the box. The stuff he comes up with is both mind-blowingly creative and completely hilarious! See them all below. What is your favorite? “Draw a firefighter T-Rex on the box!” “On the box can you draw Obama…

  • The Power of Photoshop… Turning Pizza Into a Supermodel

    The Power of Photoshop… Turning Pizza Into a Supermodel

    There’s a lot of hoo-ha around the ethics of photoshopping, particularly in the world of art, fashion and beauty. Does it encourage unrealistic expectations of beauty and self-image? Probably. But it turns out this is the least of our problems – you literally can’t trust anything you see now as this video from College Humour shows. That pizza you’re…

  • 37 People Who Failed So Badly They Almost Won

    37 People Who Failed So Badly They Almost Won


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    It’s Friday, and it’s been a looooong week.  So it’s time to sit back, relax, and enjoy other people’s stupidity. We’ve all done something silly in our time, but these guys failed so badly and so spectacularly, they almost won. Bring on the weekend! 1. This wildlife photographer. 2. This archaeologist. 3. This paintball enthusiast. 4. The person who…

  • Amazingly Creative Digital Art by Digital Editz!

    Amazingly Creative Digital Art by Digital Editz!

    Digital art has come a long way in a relatively short period of time, but Digital Editz has taken things to another level with his fantastical images. When we first saw Digital Editz’s image of a “ButterPhant”, a butterfly-like elephant walking down the street, we nearly fell off our chair.  After some further exploration of this…

  • Naked Girls Tea Set by Esther Horchner

    Naked Girls Tea Set by Esther Horchner

    Designer Esther Horchner has illustrated the Bathing Girls Tea Set in such a way it looks like the bathing beauties are taking a dip in tea! The white porcelain cups are illustrated on the inside, when filled with tea it looks like the girls are in their own hot tub! The white porcelain tea set comprises…