Category: Fun

  • Stories Come Alive with 360 Degree Cut Book

    Stories Come Alive with 360 Degree Cut Book

    In order to express a single scene of a story in a three dimensional way, Japanese artist and architect Yusuke Oono created this imaginative series of 360 degree books. Using 40 pages, Oono assembles scenes from stories like The Jungle Book and Snow White with elaborate layers of silhouettes cut from paper. Oono designed each 360°Book digitally page by…

  • These 19 Easy Life Hacks Are Guaranteed To Make Life Easier. Especially The One With a Pizza Box.

    These 19 Easy Life Hacks Are Guaranteed To Make Life Easier. Especially The One With a Pizza Box.

    There are so many simple ways you can improve your life… and most of them you won’t even realize until you read this blog. For the uninitiated, “life hacks” are so simple and easy to do, but they’ll change how you live. If you’ve followed our blog for a while, you know that we love…

  • 17 Gifs That Show How Everyday Products Are Manufactured

    17 Gifs That Show How Everyday Products Are Manufactured

    Have you ever taken a step back and wondered where the products that you use every day come from or how they’re made? This list of awesome gifs will show you how some of the things we use or even eat every day come to be. Isn’t it awesome how these gifs are both educational…

  • 10 Passive Aggressive Valentine’s Day Cards

    10 Passive Aggressive Valentine’s Day Cards

    Whether you’re a fan of Valentine’s Day or not, the day is upon us and partnered men and women across the world will be stressing out about what to get their partner.  Or maybe they won’t be. Stupid owls. In any case, we’ve searched the web to find the most unusual Valentine’s Day gifts, and…

  • The 33 Worst Things That Could Happen On Valentine’s Day

    The 33 Worst Things That Could Happen On Valentine’s Day

      Roses are red, violets are blue… OK stop it. There’s plenty of people who aren’t into Valentine’s Day.  And after you’ve gone through this list of the worst things that could happen to you on this day, you might have a few more reasons to not like it! Sit back and enjoy, and make…

  • 10 Reasons Valentine’s Day Is Better When You’re Single

    10 Reasons Valentine’s Day Is Better When You’re Single

    With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, many of you will be stressing about what to give that special someone to show them how much you love them. A dozen red roses? Diamonds? Chocolates? The list goes on and one. When February 14 rolls around, many of you won’t be stressed at all… because believe…

  • 10 Things Schapelle Corby May Not Know Exists

    10 Things Schapelle Corby May Not Know Exists

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll know that convicted Australian drug smuggler Schapelle Corby has just been granted parole after nine years in an Indonesian jail. Corby was convicted and sentenced in 2005 for the importation of 4.2 kg of cannabis into Bali, Indonesia. Between 2005 and today, we have witnessed a series of…

  • Photos Ruined by Dogs Pooing

    Photos Ruined by Dogs Pooing

    We all love our dogs, but sometimes they just don’t care and when they’ve just gotta go. So in the same vain as other blogs you may have seen where the subject of the photo is “photobombed” by someone else, here we have people being photobombed by dogs doing what they know best. So sit…

  • How to Build A Super Bowl Snack-Stadium

    How to Build A Super Bowl Snack-Stadium

    In just a couple of days, Super Bowl 49 will take place between the New England Patriots and the Seattle Seahawks. Some people look forward to the day with nervous excitement, while others think it sounds about as fun as a root canal with no anesthesia. Whichever camp you fit in, you’ll still appreciate the effort…

  • 33 More Perfectly Timed Photos

    33 More Perfectly Timed Photos

    Following on from our original and extremely successful “33 Perfectly Timed Photos” (see HERE), we thought we’d scour the internet to bring you a second edition. With all the cameras and smartphones out there, it’s no surprise that, once in a while, someone captures a truly bizarre once-in-a-lifetime photo. Whatever you want to call them…