Category: Illustration
Artist Illustrates Battle Dogs From Different Dog Breeds, And Here’s The Result
Artist Nikita Orlov saw a dog one day and thought, "Hmm… it would be fun to make a centaur from a dog. I bet someone did it already!". He googled and found none. Surprise! So he decided to do a couple of battledoges and thought up a fantasy world where those doges could exist and…
Artist Documents The First Time He Meets His Long Distance Girlfriend After 2 Years of Dating Online Only
It's the stuff of modern-day fairytales. Or miracles. Boy meets girl online and they fall in love. Problem is they live thousands of miles apart and can't meet in person. Could it happen or is this another juicy episode of Catfish? But that's exactly what happened to artist Simone “Simz” Ferriero when he met and…
Artist Creates A Series Of Silly Puns And Their Opposites
Teo Zirinis, otherwise known as handsoffmydinosaur on instagram, is the king of puns. One of his favorite things to do is to come up with silly word plays which he then brings to life in illustration. His latest series features puns and their opposites… double the pun and double the fun! Scroll down and like…
Artist Transforms 19 Famous Disney Characters Into Evolving Pokemon, And The Results Are Hilarious
Australian artist Ry Spirit has been creating art as a career for over 10 years now. We recently interviewed him about his latest series where he turns famous Disney characters into evolving Pokemon characters: "I'm pretty sure I started drawing since I was a tiny baby, with crayons and coloring pencils probably. I just really…
The Most Brutally Hilarious Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor
You loved Mr Lovenstein so much when we showed you his work last time (see HERE), that we had to bring you more, more, more! Mr Lovenstein puts a surprising and macabre spin on ordinary perceptions, touching on everything from funny tips to getting out of random situations. The illustrator has been creating art since…
Artist Uses Illustrates His View Of The World, And It Is A Deeply Cynical and Troubling One
Polish artist Michal Dziekan latest series of illustrations explore social related themes, where he tries to share his intimate thoughts about the world that surrounds him with his best tool, art. We’ve seen this theme explored through the eyes of a number of artists now, however Michal’s take is different in that they are much…
Artist Illustrates His Battle With Depression With Mysterious Dark Illustrations
Dawid Planeta is a freelance graphic designer and illustrator who lives in Cracow, Poland. As a personal project, he has created a very dark series of mysterious illustrations. His work explores the artist’s personal experience with depression, visualizing the mental journey through dark times. “Depression—it’s not easy to deal with, but when you try, you…
Artist Hilariously Illustrates The Evolution Of Pop Culture Icons In His Latest Series
LA artist Jeff Victor loved watching iconic TV and movies growing up and has managed to incorporate these into his current series – evolutions of the most iconic pop culture characters from their earliest concepts to how you may recognize them today. As you can see from the below, the results are great! Like and…
Lolnein Comics Created By Illustrator That Are Guaranteed To Make You Smile
Vincent is the illustrator and creator of LOLNEIN. He makes little cartoons that are guaranteed to put a smile on your dial. Scroll down to see some of our favs and vote and comment on your favorites! [zombify_post]