#ImNoAngel Lingerie Campaign Illustrates That Every Kind of Body is the Perfect Body


Move over Victoria’s Secret. Lane Bryant just won the prize for sexiest campaign of 2015.

The plus-size brand launched its #ImNoAngel advertisements on Monday, featuring models Ashley Graham, Marquita Pring, Candice Huffine and more. The women, styled in Lane Bryant’s exclusive bra collection Cacique, define “sexy” in numerous ways during the ad. They’re also using social media to further challenge conventional beauty standards.

Forget Victoria’s Secret’s body image ideals…



…#ImNoAngel wants to show the world what beauty really looks like:


Similar campaigns have been embraced by others, including UK-based lingerie company Curvy Kate, who just announced they will be holding a contest to find a model that represents all types of “real” women. According to Curvy Kate,

We make beautiful lingerie and swimwear that looks amazing on a wide range of figures and sizes, so we want models who represent this.

To promote the contest they took a jab at Victoria Secret by recreating the controversial ad.

However, instead of using supermodels, they used a variety of beautiful ladies who actually represent women of all shapes and sizes.


#ImNoAngel also brings attention to the fact that there is just not enough body diversity in the media, and by creating such an explosive, engaging campaign, Lane Bryant and others is providing a voice for the women who feel underrepresented, or not represented at all. The #ImNoAngel ad campaign is encouraging women to post their own experiences and #ImNoAngel photos, creating a much-needed conversation about positive body image and learning how to embrace and love one’s natural self. Here are some awesome, inspirational submissions posted to their Tumblr.




Here is the ad:

And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


17 responses to “#ImNoAngel Lingerie Campaign Illustrates That Every Kind of Body is the Perfect Body”

  1. Aneta K. Avatar
    Aneta K.

    kill me

  2. Yeah lets be fat, because this is normal… lol
    The hard truth is that not everyone can be pretty.. but most of people can be healthy and slim, but that needs more then a visit to fast food restaurant.
    Ask your doctor how will your knees look like in 10-15 years if you eat like that!!

  3. somebody Avatar

    i rather be with butterface

  4. May you do it for man please ? Must looking so nice too :) thanks

  5. Herbert Wraczlavski Avatar
    Herbert Wraczlavski

    Well, I am not attracted to neither Victoria´s or these chubby models, as both are opposite extremes. Neither is worse, or better.

  6. Henry de Lesquen Avatar
    Henry de Lesquen

    Well, they will die more quickly, what a chance.

  7. A Leon Degrelle, le falta un tornillo…esta claro que la obesidad no es sana, pero cuando tienes un cuerpo de huesos anchos y pesados no puedes reducirlo de ninguna manera… las modelos britanicas de tallas grandes no muestran grasa sino cuerpos diferentes, grandes, pesados, y que sepas que la grasa depende del tipo de naturaleza que se tiene, hay quien no le funciona bien el sistema endocrino, y no puede deshacerse de toda la grasa, o quien tiene un problema de tiroides, y la grasa se le coloca por todas partes…las chicas que tienen el pecho muy grande no es culpa suya, nacieron así…y eso no es menos sano, es mas complicado y dificil vivir con un pecho que no te permite doblarte bien haciendo gimnasia por ejemplo…así que creo que su visión es limitada y parcial. El que da asco es usted!!!

  8. Leon DeGrelle Avatar
    Leon DeGrelle

    No way, these girls only stepped out of KFC for 10 minutes to get their photos on the net. Obese is unhealthy. Unhealthy is not attractive. It’s an inbuilt natural instinct not to be attracted to unhealthy girls, as they may not be as good a mother as a healthy woman. So quit trying to make rolls of fat sexy. it’s not sexy, it never will be. If these slags only did some exercise and ate some salad, they may get laid sometime this year. Uggggghhhhh. No way yuk.

    1. doog37 Avatar

      Healthy is a relative term, just as attractiveness is. A lot of the studies of health and weight are confounded by SES (socio-economic status) and often all these studies are really showing is wealthy people live longer.
      But to address the attraction idea, we (men) are physiologically attracted to curves on a women not size. There is a ratio of hips to waist (about 1.6) that we are instinctively attracted to and then most everything else is signs of youthfulness. So it foolish to argue a 400 lb shapeless women is sexy or healthy but the “angels” are an elitist idea of beauty and by no means instinctive.
      Woman have more fat than men for a reason and up until about 70 years ago being skinny was unsightly and seen as being unfit to bear children. You can be too thin and too fat but you don’t have be a size 6 to attractive and you can be a size 6 and be unhealthy and unfit.
      Stop believing the fake ads and trust that nature made most people beautiful.

    2. Anežka Česká Avatar
      Anežka Česká

      Except they are not obese. Not a single one of these women would qualify for this term. I also disagree with you on the term unhealthy. They are pretty much average, normal women. You have no idea what they eat or whether or not they exercise. By the way, studies show that mildly overweight people live longer and have happier lives so that much for “healthy” and “unhealthy” ….

      1. ALLmasked Avatar

        by our concept they are not. sadly they are, medically speaking that is

        a 5’11 male needs to be at least at 120-170 range to be healthy. Yet buff guys that weighs around 180 and is considered borderline obese.

    3. Mat Baker Avatar
      Mat Baker

      Slags? And this revolting misogyny sat here for a year with no response. Shame on you, internet.

      You’re an idiot on more levels than I can count, Leon. I hope you grow up at some point.

    4. Noblelox Avatar

      One day, you will grow up, your balls will drop, and you will realise what a complete and utter cockwomble you are now. One day you will touch a woman and realise that skin and bone does not feel nice to the touch. What looks good in photos looks very ill in real ife. #RealMenLoveCurves

  9. Florentinapetillo1 Avatar

    These are REAL women.
    As far as I am concerned they look healthy, by comparison with Victoria’s Secret models, who look emaciated and subnutrite.
    If I were a man, I would not go out with a twiggy girl if you paid me.

    1. Linda Avatar

      I say it is bad to judge either if you want to contribute to the body positivity movement. “Real women have curves” “Real women have a thigh gap” “Only dogs want bones”. It is all just pitting women with different body types against each other. I think if we truly wish to make people, in this particular case women, more confident, we should not combat fat shaming with skinny shaming. Hate only fuels more hate.

      1. I didn’t think of it from this perspective. You have a good point. However, in today’s cultural environment I doubt skinny women envy curvy women. On the contrary, I have a feeling skinny women have a subliminal satisfaction that they look and could dress like or models.
        I work in a hospital – my department 95% women of all ages, 90% of them higher education. Weight and appearance is a constant conversation among the heavier set ones – regardless of age. However, weight and health are connected in their discussion – since it’s not healthy to be on either extreme.

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