Category: instagram
I Combine Thousands Of Photos To Create One Image Of A Mineral
My Name is Chris Perani; I am a photographer who specializes in capturing the microscopic details of our world. My latest project, “Minerals,” exemplifies the intricate nature of minerals, fossils, shells, and gems. Using extreme macro techniques, each final image is a combination of tens of thousands of photos stitched together to create one large…
Plasticine Artist based in Milan published for the very first time a reel for his Instagram account. 50' seconds length, the video show all the recent stop motion animations realized by Stefano, including personal projects and commission from clients he worked with during last two years. The result is a mix of hilarious and loopable…
Unique colorful playground
The playground in Ctěnice Park / Prague was established in 2018 and is intended for children from 3 to 6 years old. The materials used take the natural habitat into consideration. Larch and spruce on bent components, oak on plastic and hot-dip galvanized metal predominate. The project is in the process of continual development…
Vintage nudes censored with dot art
With the ever-growing issue of having art censored across many social media platforms, one artist is using his dot art to make some questionable images more palatable to general audiences.
Thousands of Photos Combined to Create on Image of a Butterfly Wing
I never thought I would be running around with a net desperately trying to capture butterflies and dragonflies. But that was exactly what I was doing two summers ago at the local golf course. Living north of San Francisco I am surrounded by natural beauty with flowing waterfalls, giant redwoods, and luscious green hillsides. However…
The wait
These highly narrative imagery have been made by Six N. Five in order to present each piece of the collection, into poetic scenarios.
Abstraction is my melody
I can’t imagine my life without music and painting. Every time when I listen another one song in my playlist I imagine colorful abstractions, mix of unbelievable textures and mediums. Each of my pictures always remind me one or a several songs. And even after a years when I watching in my abstractions, there is…