Paris Graffiti Removal Guy Comes Back to Discover Image of Himself in the Same Spot


Street artist Combo has spectacularly gotten back at a graffiti cleaner in Paris by making him the star of his next work.

Combo snapped the cleaner painting over his recently completed piece featuring a graffiti-ing Huey, Dewey and Louie – so what did he do? He put up another piece the next day featuring the same cleaner!  Gold!

This reminds us of a similar situation involving artist DS which ended equally hilariously.  You can see that one HERE.

graffiti-removal-street-art-combo-culture-kidnapper-2 graffiti-removal-street-art-combo-culture-kidnapper-1

And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


6 responses to “Paris Graffiti Removal Guy Comes Back to Discover Image of Himself in the Same Spot”

  1. Gregoire Quartier Avatar
    Gregoire Quartier

    why does it seems not to be the same wall? The graffitis behind are not the same.

    1. Ian Purves Avatar
      Ian Purves

      Different angles?

  2. so he painted the 3 ducktales as well again or why does it look different when u have a look on the red writing just left to Huey, Dewey and Louie?

    1. Bymynishus Avatar

      It looks like someone might have tagged the Combo piece and it got covered in white paint. Then Combo came back and put up another. He isn’t painting though. Those look like paste-ups.

      Wheat-pasted printouts.

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