Photo Series Shows How The ‘Same’ Meal Can Have A 400+ Calorie Difference

With obesity rates being at alarmingly high levels, there has never been a better time to stop and think about what you eat.  Small changes can make a big difference.  Nutritionist Paula Norris agrees, and has developed a photo series on Instagram called ‘Spot The Difference’ to show the differences that healthy choices can make in what looks like the same dish. Along with the high calorie and low-calorie photos she writes out the calorie saving recipes and general healthy eating tips such as portion control, focusing on healthy oils and replacing starchy carbs.

For Norris the key is attainability, writing on her page: “Ever since I studied Dietetics, I haven’t bothered with drastic diet changes to achieve goals because I know how short term, unsustainable and depressing they are. Changes I make are small, almost unnoticeable and spread across days and weeks. Decreasing the serve size of energy dense foods and increasing portions of low energy density foods has been key for me. A lot of small changes can add up!”

Scroll down below to see these amazing plate comparisons and see if you can spot the difference!




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