While some artists are reluctant to venture into the world of selling art online, David Giles has done so with enthusiasm and energy. One of artFido’s earliest members, David is currently the most successful individual seller on the platform and to date (March 4, 2013) has sold 38 paintings through artFido.

We thought we’d ask David a few questions about his artistic life:
When did you begin creating art?
When I was about 2!! Professionally in 1994. Now my life is painting, interrupted by other things.
How would you describe your style?
My idea of painting when I started was painting landscapes. I’ve now become known as an abstract painter. They’re all about the same thing really, trying to recapture the sense of the mystical. I would now describe my style as Abstract Expressionist with a Spiritual Mystical Focus.
Who or what are your influences?
My major influence is the mystical experience of my near death experience in 1993. It gave me a glimpse of the mystical spiritual realm. I was swimming and got taken out by a rip and was being tumbled by the big breakers off the Southern ocean. That experience really made me really not afraid of anything really, because it’s like facing your worst fear. I kind of resolved that if I was allowed to go back I would pursue the life of an artist and do what I wanted for the rest of my life.
Rothko was a major influence on my early development.
Did you ever think you would make money selling your art?
I had an eco-tourism business but I gave it up and went to tafe to study art. It was scary for other people. Like my parents. I just thought I’d just persist and if i don’t become successful by the time i die well at least i will have spent all my life having a go at what i really like doing. I set out to make money from the very beginning but new it would be a hard road. I had a 30 year plan when I started. I am 20 years in and it is going according to plan. The goal after 30 years is to be selling paintings for $20,000. I currently sell works for up to $12,000.
If you could have lessons from one artist, of any time or period, who would it be and why?
Monet. He was just such a great painter.
Which actor would best portray you in a movie about your life?
Me. Or maybe Robin Williams
What made you think about selling art online?
Just another outlet – I think it is ideal for less expensive paintings.
Do you find it hard to market yourself or your art?
I have been doing it successfully for 20 years and get better with time and trial and error. I provide a mentoring service for the artists in my gallery including marketing.
If you could ask one band to make a soundtrack of your life, what band would you choose and why?
David Bowie. Enough said.
You can see David’s current listings on artFido here.
David was also recently the subject of a short documentary piece by the ABC titled “How art changed my life.” You can view that piece here.
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