Tag: animal
Weekend Funnies: Hilarious Animal Snapchats That Will Make You Smile
Although Snapchat’s dominance in the social media world seems to be falling, it’s still great for one thing – creating memes. One of the most popular Snapchat meme trends is animals doing weird and wonderful things. Here’s a collection of some of our favorites… [zombify_post]
Thai Photographer Captures Aquarium Siamese Fighting Fish Like No Other
Thai photographer Visarute Angkatavanich captures stunning aquatic art by portraying Siamese fighting fish in such a way that they are transformed into fairy tale creatures. Against stark contrasts of white and black backgrounds, he creates fantastic photos of these animals using crystalline aquariums, powerful lenses and spectacular lighting. The effect is truly magnificent transforming the…
Artist Reverses The Role Of Humans And Animals In Parallel World Illustrations
Artist Barbara Daniels‘ latest series flips animal torture on its head by introducing a parallel world where humans reverse roles with the animals. What would happen if animals were given the same privileges as we? These are some of the questions that run the mind when you go through these chilling illustrations. Scroll down and…
Fishermen Find Fox Stranded on a Floating Iceberg. What Does the Fox Say?
Fishermen Mallory Harrigan, Cliff Russell and Allan Russell were out a few miles off shore from Labrador, Canada recently when they came across something quite extraordinary. Something was atop a small, mushroom-shaped iceberg, drifting helplessly out to sea, and it wasn’t a creature designed for swimming. It was a starving and terrified Arctic fox, wet…
Illustrations Reveal How Animals Feel By Switching Them With Humans
Recently, a number of illustrators got together to show us what life would be like if animals were switched with humans. The results are powerful, and some are quite moving. We’ll let you make your own mind up about each image. And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a piece of original art to hang on…
Photographer Captures The Cutest Squirrel Photo Session Ever
When we last saw Russian nature photographer Vadim Trunov, he was looking at the macro world of bugs and snails (see HERE). His latest series sees him in close encounters with squirrels doing the strangest things! Vadim recently published some of the photos he’s captured of squirrels that seem to be building snowmen, taking photos of…
Australia’s Oldest Man Knits Tiny Sweaters For Injured Penguins!
This may well be one of the most adorable stories we’ve come across. Ever. Back in 2013, Victoria’s Phillip Island Penguin Foundation asked for volunteers to make sweaters for the rare “little penguins.” 109-year-old Australian Alfred Date – known as Australia’s oldest man – and an avid knitter since the 1930’s, was one of…
A Cupful of Animal Cuteness
Why are these animals in cups? We don’t really know. But what we do know is that putting these already adorable animals into cups makes them mind-numbingly insanely cute, so here you go: the best list of animals in cups that the artFido community could find! If you’ve ever had the wonderful opportunity to place a kitten, puppy…
Hilarious Dog Portraits of Famous People in History by David Imlay
David Imlay’s approach to painting draws influence from twentieth century American Contemporary Realism as well as Photorealism which both emerged in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. It is David’s hilarious dog portraits based on famous portraits by other artists, however, that caught our eye and brought a smile to our face. Our mascot Fido…