Tag: artFido

  • 40 Must See Photos From The Past. #5 Is Amazing!

    40 Must See Photos From The Past. #5 Is Amazing!

    We came across this selection of astonishing photos from the past, thanks to Reddit user epicnesshunter. Some of these are absolutely mind-boggling, but what makes most of them so powerful is that they were taken in the past century, just one or two generations away from us. Wow wow wow. #1. Woman With A Gas-Resistant Pram,…

  • Is This The Best Way to Recognize the Artists of Famous Paintings?

    Is This The Best Way to Recognize the Artists of Famous Paintings?

    If you haven’t studied art history, it can sometimes be a bit confronting walking around a museum or art gallery and trying to get your head around who painted what. So with this in mind, here’s a bit of a tongue-in-cheek guide as to how YOU can easily work out which artist painted what. Though some…

  • 37 People Who Failed So Badly They Almost Won

    37 People Who Failed So Badly They Almost Won


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    It’s Friday, and it’s been a looooong week.  So it’s time to sit back, relax, and enjoy other people’s stupidity. We’ve all done something silly in our time, but these guys failed so badly and so spectacularly, they almost won. Bring on the weekend! 1. This wildlife photographer. 2. This archaeologist. 3. This paintball enthusiast. 4. The person who…

  • Amazingly Creative Digital Art by Digital Editz!

    Amazingly Creative Digital Art by Digital Editz!

    Digital art has come a long way in a relatively short period of time, but Digital Editz has taken things to another level with his fantastical images. When we first saw Digital Editz’s image of a “ButterPhant”, a butterfly-like elephant walking down the street, we nearly fell off our chair.  After some further exploration of this…

  • Naked Girls Tea Set by Esther Horchner

    Naked Girls Tea Set by Esther Horchner

    Designer Esther Horchner has illustrated the Bathing Girls Tea Set in such a way it looks like the bathing beauties are taking a dip in tea! The white porcelain cups are illustrated on the inside, when filled with tea it looks like the girls are in their own hot tub! The white porcelain tea set comprises…

  • Complex Illustrations Formed with Tangles of Colorful Wires

    Complex Illustrations Formed with Tangles of Colorful Wires

    Greece-based artist Charis Tsevis is fascinated with the wired world we live in. No matter how wireless technology continues to develop, we still find ourselves dependent upon outlets for data transfer and power, and, if we look around, it’s standard to be surrounded by a handful of plugs throughout any room. In response to his fascination, Tsevis…

  • Breathtaking Photos of Matterhorn From All Hours of the Day

    Breathtaking Photos of Matterhorn From All Hours of the Day

    On the border of Switzerland and Italy lies Matterhorn (aka Monte Cervino), Europe’s 14,692-foot-high mountain. With one of the highest peaks of the iconic Swiss Alps, Matterhorn is an attraction for both climbers and photographers. Since the 19th century, many people have approached the mountain as a personal challenge, making it their mission to climb…

  • Artist Shows Us What Celebrities Would Look Like Covered in Tattoos

    Artist Shows Us What Celebrities Would Look Like Covered in Tattoos

    In Chennye Randall’s ongoing series Shopped Tattoos, the Seattle-based artist imagines what celebrities, world leaders, and fictitious characters would look like if they were covered in tattoos. Not just a small one on the bicep, but designs on the collarbone, hands and face, and both arms. While we know that it’s Photoshopped, the manipulation is both…

  • Stories Come Alive with 360 Degree Cut Book

    Stories Come Alive with 360 Degree Cut Book

    In order to express a single scene of a story in a three dimensional way, Japanese artist and architect Yusuke Oono created this imaginative series of 360 degree books. Using 40 pages, Oono assembles scenes from stories like The Jungle Book and Snow White with elaborate layers of silhouettes cut from paper. Oono designed each 360°Book digitally page by…

  • The Last Meals Of Death-Row Inmates Photographed by Henry Hargreaves

    The Last Meals Of Death-Row Inmates Photographed by Henry Hargreaves

    There are about as many opinions on capital punishment as there are prisoners on death row, but most can agree that it’s a sobering practice. New Zealand-based artist Henry Hargreaves explores the death penalty and our reaction to it in his gripping “No Second” photo series where he re-creates the final meals of inmates executed…