Tag: book

  • Can A Single Book Disrupt the Foundation of a Brick Wall?

    Can A Single Book Disrupt the Foundation of a Brick Wall?

    How much power does one book hold? That’s the central question of a unique installation by Mexican artist Jorge Mendez Blake. For his 2007 project, “The Castle” (named after The Castle by Franz Kafka), Mendez Blake constructed a single wall of bricks—75 feet long, 13 feet high—without mortar. Each brick was placed uniformly and intentionally, as with any wall, but Blake also included an…

  • A New Miniature Book Showing Life’s Lil Pleasures By Evan Lorenzen

    A New Miniature Book Showing Life’s Lil Pleasures By Evan Lorenzen

    When we last saw Colorado-based artist Evan Lorenzen, he had just released his miniature book “THE MINI BOOK OF MAJOR EVENTS“. His latest book continues the trend of not being your average book – it’s no larger than one inch tall and features drawings smaller than your thumbnail – and is called “Life’s Lil Pleasures”. As…

  • A 1979 Ford Falcon Converted into a Tank Armored with 900 Free Books

    A 1979 Ford Falcon Converted into a Tank Armored with 900 Free Books

    In celebration of World Book Day (last week) 7UP commissioned Argentinian artist Raul Lemesoff to construct one of his famous book tanks. In this case he began with a stripped down 1979 Ford Falcon which he used to build a new roving library on wheels with an exterior framework capable of carrying 900 free books. Lemesoff refers to his…

  • Artist Uses Surgical Tools To Make Incredible Book Sculptures

    Artist Uses Surgical Tools To Make Incredible Book Sculptures

    Brian Dettmer, a New York-based artist known as the Book Surgeon, uses tweezers, knives, scalpels and other surgical tools to dissect and carve old books into intricate and beautiful sculptures. Dettmer’s work has a sort of vintage touch to it because he uses old books – maps, encyclopedias, textbooks, manuals, and any other sort of…

  • A Mini Book of Major Events by Evan Lorenzen

    A Mini Book of Major Events by Evan Lorenzen

    Trying to compress the history of Earth into a single book is an especially daunting task, the difficulty is compounded when the book you’re writing is the size of a nickel and is limited to just a few pages. Oh, and it needs lots of pictures. Lucky for us, illustrator Evan Lorenzen was up to the task…

  • Stories Come Alive with 360 Degree Cut Book

    Stories Come Alive with 360 Degree Cut Book

    In order to express a single scene of a story in a three dimensional way, Japanese artist and architect Yusuke Oono created this imaginative series of 360 degree books. Using 40 pages, Oono assembles scenes from stories like The Jungle Book and Snow White with elaborate layers of silhouettes cut from paper. Oono designed each 360°Book digitally page by…

  • Hilariously Bad Book Covers

    Hilariously Bad Book Covers



    Sometimes, creativity goes wrong. Very wrong. Sometimes lack of funds or lack of creativity simply ends in disaster. Not much else we can say here other than “which is your favorite?” :) Enjoy!     1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.…

  • Secret Paintings in 19th Century Books at the University of Iowa

    Secret Paintings in 19th Century Books at the University of Iowa

    Colleen Theisen, who helps with outreach and instruction at the Special Collections & University Archives at the University of Iowa, recently shared an amazing gif she made that demonstrates something called fore-edge painting on the edge of a 1837 book called Autumn by Robert Mudie. Fore-edge painting, which is believed to date back as early as the 1650s, is a way of hiding a…

  • Book Paintings by Ekaterina Panikanova

    Book Paintings by Ekaterina Panikanova

    Artist Ekaterina Panikanova creates densely layered paintings across large spreads of old books and other documents, resulting in artwork that blurs the lines between painting, installation and collage. Born in St. Petersburg in 1975 Panikanova graduated at the top of her class from the Academy of Fine Arts and was subsequently given a studio to work from…