Tag: city
24 Place Names You’ve Probably Been Mispronouncing Your Whole Life
There’s nothing more irritating to a pedant’s ear and nothing more flabbergasting than realizing you’ve been pronouncing the name of so many places wrong, your entire life! Despite the judgment we exhibit toward people who err in enunciating, we all mispronounce a word from time to time, despite our best efforts. Likewise, almost all of…
Photographer Captures Vertigo-Inducing Images From The Roofs Of Skyscrapers
‘Rooftopping’ is an on-going photo series by Tom Ryaboi, in which he scales towering skyscrapers to capture vertigo-inducing images from a death-defying perspective. Ryaboi’s images show him and his friends performing terrifying feats like dangling their feet over the edge of buildings, balancing on narrow ledges, and hanging from rails—while also showing the backdrop of a beautiful urban…