Tag: eggs

  • A chicken lover knits jumpers for her hens

    A chicken lover knits jumpers for her hens

    Meet Nicola and her mother Ann from Cornwall, England. In one of the more touching stories we’ve encountered recently, these ladies rescue retired battery chickens by giving them a new home. They own around 60 hens and half of them are former battery chickens, who, unfortunately, having spent all their lives in cages, are not able to acclimatize…

  • Famous Works of Art Recreated on the Inside of Egg Shells!

    Famous Works of Art Recreated on the Inside of Egg Shells!

    Artists love to paint on all different mediums and all different surfaces. When we were kids, we’d love to paint as many boiled eggs as our mum would let us have for Easter. Turkish artist Süreyya Noyan has taken this concept much, much further, by carefully cracking a window into eggs, removing the goodness, then painting famous…