Tag: Emma Watson
Artists Create the unFappening: Re-Dressing Nude Celebrities (NSFW)
As celeb nudes continue to leak in the recently coined ‘The Fappening’, one movement is bringing decency to its victims. A project named The UNFappening is seeking to cover up the goodies exposed, while showcasing the works of artists at the same time. And it is amazing. Taking submissions form the public, the site publishes celeb nudes…
Brilliantly Bizarre Celebrity Caricatures by Sandro Cabral!
Following on from our very popular blog “What Famous Celebrities Would Look Like as Normal People” (see HERE), we’ve just discovered artist Sandro Cabral who creates the most magnificently bizarre celebrity caricatures. Sandro sketches each image by hand and then transfers them onto his computer for the final digital flourishes. You can see many more images on…