Tag: fail

  • When Expectations Don’t Meet Reality: 30 Of The Worst Cake Fails Ever

    When Expectations Don’t Meet Reality: 30 Of The Worst Cake Fails Ever

    We all think we can cook. Well, most of us do anyway. Especially when it’s following a cake recipe and images, we think we’re a master baker. The problem these days is the internet thinks you can do almost anything. Have a quick scroll through Instagram and Pinterest, and you’ll find countless cakes baked so perfectly…

  • The Funniest Animal Photobombs Ever

    The Funniest Animal Photobombs Ever

    Wikipedia defines photobombing as “the act of accidentally or purposely putting oneself into the view of a photograph, often in order to play a practical joke on the photographer or the subject”. Humans have likely been photobombing each other ever since the dawn of photography, but did you know that animals like to photobomb too?  Now you…

  • 29 Things That Will Make You Smile No Matter How Bad Your Day’s Going

    29 Things That Will Make You Smile No Matter How Bad Your Day’s Going

    It’s been a long, tough week and the weekend is nearly upon us.  So we thought it was high time we did another post that just makes you smile.  So save this post to your favorites and pull it out every time you’re feeling a little down because it’s guaranteed to bring a smile back…

  • Happy Easter: Creepy, Terrifying And Just Plain Wrong Easter Bunnies!

    Happy Easter: Creepy, Terrifying And Just Plain Wrong Easter Bunnies!

    It’s that time of year again, the season when we take all of our tiniest, most vulnerable humans and give them the same scarring our parents inflicted upon us so many years ago. It’s the psychic hazing that we’re, as a society, all pretty comfortable with. We speak, naturally, of a visit with the dreaded…

  • 37 People Who Failed So Badly They Almost Won

    37 People Who Failed So Badly They Almost Won


    in ,

    It’s Friday, and it’s been a looooong week.  So it’s time to sit back, relax, and enjoy other people’s stupidity. We’ve all done something silly in our time, but these guys failed so badly and so spectacularly, they almost won. Bring on the weekend! 1. This wildlife photographer. 2. This archaeologist. 3. This paintball enthusiast. 4. The person who…

  • The 33 Worst Things That Could Happen On Valentine’s Day

    The 33 Worst Things That Could Happen On Valentine’s Day

      Roses are red, violets are blue… OK stop it. There’s plenty of people who aren’t into Valentine’s Day.  And after you’ve gone through this list of the worst things that could happen to you on this day, you might have a few more reasons to not like it! Sit back and enjoy, and make…

  • Photos Ruined by Dogs Pooing

    Photos Ruined by Dogs Pooing

    We all love our dogs, but sometimes they just don’t care and when they’ve just gotta go. So in the same vain as other blogs you may have seen where the subject of the photo is “photobombed” by someone else, here we have people being photobombed by dogs doing what they know best. So sit…

  • Friday Funnies: When Technology Goes Wrong

    Friday Funnies: When Technology Goes Wrong



    Given the countless hours of coding, systems and processes that have gone into creating www.artfido.com, we’re obviously huge fans of technology. Technology has made our lives easier, faster, more knowledgeable, and has generally brought us all closer together (although each of these are arguable!) However when technology goes wrong, it can go very, very wrong.…