Tag: fetching art

  • Japanese Restaurant Transforms Sushi Into Realistic Sushi Fish!

    Japanese Restaurant Transforms Sushi Into Realistic Sushi Fish!

    Sushi has become the go-to dish for many people looking for a delicious meal that is equally healthy. You’re probably used to the ‘wrapped in green seaweed’ variety, but not at the Nishikizushi sushi shop located in Saiki, Japan! Known as the ‘Nishikigoi no Sugatazushi’ (Multicolored Koi-Shaped Sushi), the chefs at Nishikizushi cut and sculpt their to look like…

  • Artist Creates Puns So Terrible They’re Pun-ishable

    Artist Creates Puns So Terrible They’re Pun-ishable

    When is a pun is a pun is a pun?  That’s what illustrator Monika asks herself every day, in her ongoing series where she draws cute illustrations to accompany terrible puns that will make your eyes roll. Some of them strictly aren’t puns, but they’re nonetheless fun. See what we did there? You can follow Monika’s funny…

  • A chicken lover knits jumpers for her hens

    A chicken lover knits jumpers for her hens

    Meet Nicola and her mother Ann from Cornwall, England. In one of the more touching stories we’ve encountered recently, these ladies rescue retired battery chickens by giving them a new home. They own around 60 hens and half of them are former battery chickens, who, unfortunately, having spent all their lives in cages, are not able to acclimatize…

  • Artist Folds a New Paper Crane to Describe Each Day of the Year

    Artist Folds a New Paper Crane to Describe Each Day of the Year

    Some people like to have a coffee everyday. Some people like to go for a run everyday.  Well artist Cristian Mariancius is a little different.  Following a bit of a quarter life crisis in 2014, he decided to create an origami paper crane every day as a unique personal journal. According to Cristian, “As a…

  • Stunning Photography Documents the Macro Details of Colorful Hummingbirds

    Stunning Photography Documents the Macro Details of Colorful Hummingbirds

    Photographer Chris Morgan loves Hummingbirds and photography.  However as Hummingbirds are notorious for flapping their wings so incredibly fast that they create an audible hum and appear as a blur of feathers right before your eyes, they can be incredibly difficult to capture using photography. Not to be deterred, during a trip to Costa Rica, the…

  • Fantasmical Photoshopped Animal Hybrids

    Fantasmical Photoshopped Animal Hybrids

    Yes, we just made up the word “fantasmical”. But that’s the only way to describe one of our favorite subreddits, which is devoted entirely to creating amazing animal hybrids. A 40,000+ strong community of digital artists and fans of Hybrid Animals that are made possible with creativity and Photoshop know-how. There’s not much else we can…

  • The Mesmerizing Art of Hand Making Pasta!

    The Mesmerizing Art of Hand Making Pasta!

    If you’re into your cooking as much as us, you’ll know there’s nothing more satisfying than sitting down to a home cooked meal that you’ve slaved over the stove for hours to prepare. There is definitely an art to cooking, as you are about to see from food artist Miyuki Adachi. Adachi is one of a shrinking number…

  • Classic Painting Subjects Inserted Into Modern Day Life

    Classic Painting Subjects Inserted Into Modern Day Life

    In a different take on the ‘classic paintings remade’ series we’ve featured a couple of times recently, Ukrainian artist Alexey Kondakov unites the past and present by giving characters from classic paintings the chance to explore our modern world. Alexey uses Photoshop to insert vintage muses in stores, on buses, on stairwells, and in the midst of urban alleyways for his ongoing…

  • Workers Re-Create Famous Paintings Using Office Supplies

    Workers Re-Create Famous Paintings Using Office Supplies

    Following on from previous remakes of famous paintings we’ve featured (here and here), we couldn’t go passed bored office coworkers Chris Limbrick and Francesco Fragomeni whose remakes were completed using whatever they could find in their office! The project is called “Fools Do Art”, and they followed two simple rules – only use stuff found in the office, and any editing…

  • It’s a Halloween Donald Trumpkin!

    It’s a Halloween Donald Trumpkin!

    Jeanette Paras of Dublin, Ohio, is known locally for her elaborate Halloween pumpkin decorations. In 2013, she used paint, wigs, felt, and a sprig of holly to create a Christmas-themed tableau starring Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty and singer Miley Cyrus. In 2012, a 334-pound squash became “Naughty Prince Harry.” But little has prepared Ohio—nay, the world— for this year’s hyper-topical…