Tag: fun

  • New PMS Ice Cream That Perfectly Describes How Women Feel

    New PMS Ice Cream That Perfectly Describes How Women Feel

    Parker Jones, a graphic designer based in Texas, has created a series of ice-cream labels designed to speak to a very specific demographic – women who enjoy binge-eating ice-cream when experiencing PMS. The labels on her “PMS Ice Cream” understand how you feel – “I Need Some More” mint chocolate chip, “Don’t Come Near Me”…

  • Adorable Photos of Newborn Taken by Dad Without Photoshop

    Adorable Photos of Newborn Taken by Dad Without Photoshop

    Polish parents Ania Waluda and Michal Zawer are both photographers. So, when it came to newborn photos of their daughter Emilia, they decided to get creative. They captured these whimsical images featuring Zawer and his little girl, and it appears as though she’s magically floating in mid-air. This isn’t the work of photo manipulation, either.…

  • Dam Rice Served at a Japanese Restaurant!

    Dam Rice Served at a Japanese Restaurant!

    When we were little, our mother would frequently tell us not to play with our food. This might be difficult in Japan, however, where restaurants have started offering visitors ‘damukare,’ a special Japanese rice and curry dish. In damukare, the rice is shaped into a mighty dam that protects the diner’s dry food from a devastating…

  • The Funniest Animal Photobombs Ever

    The Funniest Animal Photobombs Ever

    Wikipedia defines photobombing as “the act of accidentally or purposely putting oneself into the view of a photograph, often in order to play a practical joke on the photographer or the subject”. Humans have likely been photobombing each other ever since the dawn of photography, but did you know that animals like to photobomb too?  Now you…

  • Adorable Photos of Dogs Before and After Bath Time

    Adorable Photos of Dogs Before and After Bath Time

    If your dog is like our dog, he/she hates bath time.  As soon as he realizes he about to get a scrub, our pup plays dead and literally has to be lifted and carried into the bath where he then gives you some of the saddest puppy eyes you’ve ever seen. This also occurs with…

  • The 55 Most Useful Life Hacks Ever

    The 55 Most Useful Life Hacks Ever

    A definitive list of life hacks that will actually simplify and improve your everyday life. This selection of 55 life hacks were hand-picked from our two previous and extremely viral posts: 50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World and 40 Clever Life Hacks to Simplify your World. It also includes updated tips from the popular subreddit r/lifehacks. Enjoy! Please…

  • Brilliant New Words We Should Add To A Dictionary

    Brilliant New Words We Should Add To A Dictionary

    When languages evolve, it’s important that scholars and dictionaries keep up. The internet has spawned a new crop of words for stuff, and while you may not like all of them, some of them are really clever combos that seem like they might actually be useful! Many of these words come from urbandictionary.com, which is basically…

  • A New Miniature Book Showing Life’s Lil Pleasures By Evan Lorenzen

    A New Miniature Book Showing Life’s Lil Pleasures By Evan Lorenzen

    When we last saw Colorado-based artist Evan Lorenzen, he had just released his miniature book “THE MINI BOOK OF MAJOR EVENTS“. His latest book continues the trend of not being your average book – it’s no larger than one inch tall and features drawings smaller than your thumbnail – and is called “Life’s Lil Pleasures”. As…

  • Animals That Really Want to Be Photographers!

    Animals That Really Want to Be Photographers!

    Watch out, photographers! Looks like someone is trying to take your job! Over the past few years we’ve seen a number of hilarious photos of animals looking as if they’re about to take pictures. Rather than being the subject of a photo, they want to be the one snapping it. And we’re not just talking…

  • Animals Licking Glass That Have No Idea How Silly They Look

    Animals Licking Glass That Have No Idea How Silly They Look

    There are plenty of reasons for animals to lick stuff around them, but by far our favorite is when they use their tongues to explore the strange mysterious invisible forcefields known to us as ‘glass.’ Dogs, cats and other creatures use their tongues to explore the world around them, so they’re just trying to figure…