Tag: fun

  • Photos of Cats and Dogs Who Destroyed Christmas

    Photos of Cats and Dogs Who Destroyed Christmas

    For around 340 days of the year, your cat or dog may be the most innocent, fun loving creature known to man. However along comes the festive season with all the trimmings and WATCH OUT! Those beautiful fur-babies of yours turn into Christmas-killers, tinsel-terrors and bauble-bashers. These pictures capture some of that carnage… And don’t…

  • The Most Creative DIY Christmas Trees Ever

    The Most Creative DIY Christmas Trees Ever

    You could just go for a traditional Christmas tree this year. But if you’re too creative, too cheap, too lazy, or too close to the equator for a real tree, there are plenty of creative DIY Christmas trees that will save you money and time or give you a unique way to celebrate the holidays. There are…

  • Hipsters Unite: Decorate Your Beard This Christmas!

    Hipsters Unite: Decorate Your Beard This Christmas!

    This Christmas, why not decorate your beard? Each year, ad agencies send spectacularly crazy cards to their clients to show off their creativity. This year, Grey London decided to work with designers Mike Kennedy and Pauline Ashford to come up with a festive gift idea to feature in their cards. That’s how Beard Baubles was…

  • Play Traffic Light Pong with the Person on the Other Side of the Road!

    Play Traffic Light Pong with the Person on the Other Side of the Road!

    Back in 2012, a trio of interaction design students from HAWK University unveiled a concept for StreetPong, an interactive game of pong installed at a street crossing that allows you to play opponents waiting on the other side. The concept video (above) was viewed a bajillion times around the web, compelling designers Amelie Künzler, Sandro Angel, and…

  • Spectacularly Artistic Ice And Snow Formations

    Spectacularly Artistic Ice And Snow Formations

    Ice can be damaging or deadly, but it can also inadvertently create some of the most beautiful and fascinating winter sights. The formation of ice is subject to a million different variables, and the tiniest change in humidity, temperature or wind speed can create wildly different results. Ice is beautiful, but it can also be…

  • Ancient Terracotta Warriors Re-Imagined as Pop-Culture Icons

    Ancient Terracotta Warriors Re-Imagined as Pop-Culture Icons

    In a whimsical twist on ancient artwork, a terracotta army of sculptures re-imagines cartoon characters as stoic heroes. San Francisco-based artist Lizabeth Eva Rossof designed the army and hired an authentic terracotta-warrior replicator to manufacture the figures. Rossof’s sculptures are comprised of the same materials as the iconic army guarding the tomb of China’s first…

  • Gorgeous Pit Bull’s Photobooth Pics Find Him a Home

    Gorgeous Pit Bull’s Photobooth Pics Find Him a Home

    Pit bulls have been written off by many as a violent breed, but the Humane Society of Utah has been fighting this public perception, and their most recent adoption success story shows just how cute and friendly they can be. Teton, an adorable one-year-old pit bull, was adopted only day after the humane society uploaded…

  • Happy Thanksgiving! How Famous Artists Would Serve Thanksgiving Dinner

    Happy Thanksgiving! How Famous Artists Would Serve Thanksgiving Dinner

    In this quirky series of photos titled “Thanksgiving Special”, San Francisco-based artist Hannah Rothstein imagines Thanksgiving dinners as plated by famous artists throughout history. Gravy, corn, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce, and even the plate itself is used as a medium for edible artworks in the style of Jackson Pollock, Cindy Sherman, Georges Seurat, and Vincent van Gogh.…

  • A Cupful of Animal Cuteness

    A Cupful of Animal Cuteness

    Why are these animals in cups? We don’t really know. But what we do know is that putting these already adorable animals into cups makes them mind-numbingly insanely cute, so here you go: the best list of animals in cups that the artFido community could find! If you’ve ever had the wonderful opportunity to place a kitten, puppy…

  • Artist Creates a “Normal” Barbie With Acne, Bruises and Stretch Marks

    Artist Creates a “Normal” Barbie With Acne, Bruises and Stretch Marks

    The iconic Barbie doll has received a lot of criticism for teaching kids to aspire to unrealistic body types, so digital artist and design Nickolay Lamm decided to create a “normal barbie” named Lammily. This doll has the realistic body proportions of a 19-year-old girl, and can have tattoos, warts, acne, stretchmarks, and other realistic…