Tag: funny
The Most Epic Fails By People Who Are Having A Worse Day Than You
So the Christmas and New Year period is over and you’re probably struggling to keep up with your New Years’ resolutions already! But cheer up, there are plenty of people having a worse time than you. To help you put things into perspective, we’ve collected another list of people who are having a hilariously shitty…
Memes From Mothers Around The World That Will Make You Laugh So Hard It Will Wake Up The Kids
Being a mother is tough. However until you’ve actually popped out some kids yourself, you can’t really appreciate how tough it actually is. Sure, there’s plenty of joy associated with bringing a little human into the world, but what about the nappy changing, the school drop offs, the cuts and bruises? To put things into…
Here Are The Best Memes of 2018
Without memes, what would we truly have to keep us occupied? One of the best joys, while watching viral shows or scrolling Twitter during moments that everyone is talking about, is the inevitable jokes that will come out of us all noticing how insane an image or phrase is. While everyone ends up trying to…
The Customer Service Wolf Will Make You Laugh Out Loud If You’ve Ever Worked In Customer Service
The Customer Service Wolf is a series of illustrations that gets to the heart of annoying customers. If you've ever worked in customer service and had to deal with rude, demanding or down right annoying customers, you'll recognise a lot of these! Scroll down and upvote and comment on your favorites! [zombify_post]
Animal Activists PETA Ask People To Stop Using “Anti-Animal” Phrases And It Gets Weird
If you love animals, you love PETA. But sometimes, PETA can take it a bit too far. Their latest request has opened a can of worms and gotten on people’s goat, by being – well – a little pig-headed. Taking aim at popular animal-based idioms like these, the animal rights organization hopes that ‘anti-animal language’…
Before Having Kids You Need To Stop And See These Hilarious Photos
Nobody said that having kids was an easy job. But how hard is it actually? Despite all the love and joy that having children brings, there are guaranteed to be occasions when your little angel's halo slips, to reveal the spawn of Satan within. To prove our point, we've compiled a list of moments that…
The Most Beautiful Chickens on the Planet
Chic!Ken is a photographic project that features professional portraits of this underrated animal.
Hilariously ‘Unispirational’ Quotes From The Most Pessimistic Instagram Account On The Planet
Having a tough day. Well we’ve got something that might help cheer you up. Or not. The ‘Uninspirational’ Instagram account is absolutely full to the brim with uninspiring quotes. These quotes are not here to make you feel like a special unique snowflake, they are here to remind you that if at first you don’t…
Weekend Funnies: Terrible Haircuts That Were So Bad They Became “Say No More” Memes
Going to the hairdresser can be risky business. It might seem like a relatively simple process, but if the hairdresser gets it wrong you might be wearing a hat or beanie for a long time. To remind you of how badly things can go wrong, we’ve put together a list of haircuts-gone-wrong that went soooo…