Tag: love

  • Fleeting Glimpses of Love on the New York Subway

    Fleeting Glimpses of Love on the New York Subway

    Street photographer Matt Weber has been documenting life in New York City since 1984 when be bought his first camera, a Canon AE-1 with a 50mm lens. Since then he has taken thousands of photos that run the gamut of human emotion; from anger and hatred to love and compassion. You can go through his extensive archives…

  • Switcheroo: Quirky Portraits of Couples Swapping Clothes by Hana Pesut

    Switcheroo: Quirky Portraits of Couples Swapping Clothes by Hana Pesut

    Switcheroo is an ongoing portrait project by Canadian photographer Hana Pesut where fashionably dressed couples are asked to swap clothing for a pair of portraits sent against an identical backdrop. While the premise is pretty simple, the results are often highly amusing because of all the subtle details and unusual juxtapositions. Giant feet crammed into tiny high…

  • Prison Tattoos and Their Secret Meanings

    Prison Tattoos and Their Secret Meanings

    The trend for tattoos is not exactly breaking news. In the last couple of years, tatts have gone from somewhat of a fad to a raging, unstoppable pandemic. Whether you get a tattoo to express your individuality, for artistic expression, or just because Bieber got one, there is no denying its popularity. We recently discovered…

  • Photographer Follows His Girlfriend Around The World

    Photographer Follows His Girlfriend Around The World

    See part 2 of this photo series HERE! In his photo series “Follow Me To”, Russian photographer Murad Osmann is taking the viewer on an intimate journey together with his girlfriend who’s leading him around the world. The pose is almost the same in every picture: the girl never shows her face, and the guy almost never…

  • Gotye, Emma Hack, Natasha Pincus – The art of music video

    Gotye, Emma Hack, Natasha Pincus – The art of music video

    The music video to Gotye’s worldwide number one hit, “Somebody I used to Know” has, as of writing this blog, been viewed more than 213 Million times. It now exists as the most viewed music video ever to be uploaded to YouTube. It has been parodied, analysed, criticised, adored, and played and played and played.…

  • What is Pinterest? And is it promoting Art or Porn?

    What is Pinterest? And is it promoting Art or Porn?

    Here’s another site you really should be aware of. Pinterest. What is Pinterest? Well, as the name would hopefully have you guessing, it’s a “Virtual Pinboard”. It’s a site where people go to “organize and share all the beautiful things [they] find on the web. People use pin-boards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes,…

  • Looking at art is like being in love. Just not as messy.

    Looking at art is like being in love. Just not as messy.

    Don’t go looking for happiness in love. You’re just as likely to find it by looking at art. So says Semir Zeki, Professor of Neuroesthetics at University College London. Professor Zeki has successfully demonstrated that viewing a beautiful work of art creates the same chemical response as love. Both trigger an increase in Dopamine, the…