Tag: pets
Photobombing Dogs To Put A Smile On Your Face
It’s been a dog of a week art artFido HQ so we thought we’d put together a collection of dogs being dogs. So without further ado, here’s a weird and wacky list of photobombing dogs to put a smile on your dial… Make sure you like and comment on your favorites! [zombify_post]
Photographer Creates Series of Animal Photographs Proving That Nature Has a Great Sense of Humor
Animals are unique, just like humans. This is why we all try to look for a pet that suits us. But, aside from personality, we also pay a lot of attention to their appearance. Sometimes, we are amazed by how creative nature is. Interested by the weird and wonderful when it comes to animals, photographer Stephanie Gregorian put together a photo series titled “Animals: Pictured”. Here are…
Artistic Pet Haircuts And Grooming Is A Thing Now. And We’re Not Sure It’s A Good Thing
It’s a slow day in the office so we thought we’d post something to put a smile on your face. If you’re the owner of a fluffy pet you will no doubt have experienced the shock of taking your fluffy pet to get its haircut only to be devastated when you pick up the near…
The Best Dog Photos Of 2018 Has Just Been Announced, And They’re Amazing
The Kennel Club has just announced the Dog Photographer of the Year awards. The contest included 10 categories, including “Assistance Dogs and Dog Charities”, “Dogs at Play”, and “Dog Portrait”. While most categories had to do with the content of the photograph, there was also a special category called “Young Pup Photographer”, for photographers that…
Photographer Creates Portraits of Baby Animals Dressed Like Humans
Barcelona-based photographer Yago Partal has created a hilarious photo series called ‘Zoo Portraits’ showing various animals dressed like humans. At a first glance, the pictures look simply funny and amusing, but when you look closer the pairings start to make much more sense. For example, a photo of a fierce rhinoceros in a tutu would…
Fishermen Find Fox Stranded on a Floating Iceberg. What Does the Fox Say?
Fishermen Mallory Harrigan, Cliff Russell and Allan Russell were out a few miles off shore from Labrador, Canada recently when they came across something quite extraordinary. Something was atop a small, mushroom-shaped iceberg, drifting helplessly out to sea, and it wasn’t a creature designed for swimming. It was a starving and terrified Arctic fox, wet…
Photographer Captures Intimate Portraits of Cats, Dogs, and Horses
If you are a pet lover, you know that animals have as many unique facets to their personalities as humans. As such, you love getting those photos that show off their personalities so that you have proof to show to your loved ones that they are as strange as them seem to you. So, take…
Taiwan Pet Owners Turn Their Dogs Into Adorable “Soda Pups”
How about a nice bottle of soft drink pup? This internet meme shows how dogs can look like carbonated beverages. All you need is a drink label and a bottle cap! (Be careful that your four-legged friend doesn’t chew on or eat the damn cap). Photos of “dog cola” started appearing on social media sites…
Same Same But Different. Portraits of Different Animals With Matching Fur
Identity Theft is a new series by Warren Photographic which features pairs of pets who appear surprisingly alike despite the fact that they are completely different animals. A dog hangs out with a rabbit, a kitten stares at a guinea pig, and a pigeon sits next to a bunny. The aim of the game is…