Tag: photo
Photographer Imagines What Darth Vader Would Do if He Was Just Like the Rest of Us
“We never think of movie characters like they were regular people. And they are. With different life goals, obviously, but they’re just people.” That was photographer Pawel Kadysz‘s initial thoughts when he embarked on his latest photo series called Daily Life of Darth Vader. In it, Kadysz shows that the infamous Sith Lord performs many of…
Stunning Photography Documents the Macro Details of Colorful Hummingbirds
Photographer Chris Morgan loves Hummingbirds and photography. However as Hummingbirds are notorious for flapping their wings so incredibly fast that they create an audible hum and appear as a blur of feathers right before your eyes, they can be incredibly difficult to capture using photography. Not to be deterred, during a trip to Costa Rica, the…
70 Year Old Seamlessly Integrates His Body with the Natural World
Long before selfies and photoshop, photographer Arno Rafael Minkkinen was capturing self-portraits of his nude body in natural surroundings. For the better part of past five decades, the now 70 year old artist has blurring the lines between where the world ends and his body begins. Arno does this by relying on a simple 9-second shutter release that allows…
Photographer Takes Amazing Portraits Of People Living on the Streets
We first happened across the stunning photography of Lee Jeffries when he tagged some of his photos to #artFido on Instagram. We were immiadetly in awe. Lee photographs homeless people to show the humanity that they possess. According to Jeffries: “When you see a Lee Jeffries image, it’s not a document of the life of a homeless…
Stunning Macro Photography of Native Bees and Other Insects
The USGS Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Program develop identification tools and keys for native bee species. As part of this process, they compile accurate and detailed pictures of native bees and the plants and insects they interact with. On Flickr, the USGS BIML has uploaded a staggering collection of over 2,600 high-resolution photographs that are in the public…
Artist Shows Us What the World Would Look Like Without Smartphones
Smartphones: we all have them and most of us don’t know what we’d do without one. In fact, according to our site analytics, 64% of you will be reading this blog on your smartphone. But are they making us disconnected from our families, our friends, and society in general? The question of whether we are too…
Artist Uses Mold to Create Spectacular Photographs
As we know, artists use all sorts of materials to create. However Korean photographer Seung-Hwan Oh has taken this to an all new and awesome level by storing the film for his photographs in a warm and wet environment to encourage fungi to grow. It’s not an exact science, however, as apparently only one out of…
A Teeny Tiny Owl’s Adventures In The Woods By Tanja Brandt
Once upon a time, a tiny owl tried to shelter under a mushroom to protect itself from the pouring rain. Fortunately, that owl’s hooman was also a very lucky photographer who happened to be in the right place at the right time. Tanja Brandt snapped some photos, and the rest – as they say – was…
Breathtaking Photos of Enchanting Forests in Autumn
Whether you call it Fall or Autumn, there’s no doubting that this is one of the most beautiful of the four seasons. Self-taught photographer Janek Sedlar is equally enchanted this season, and in his most recent series has captured the profound beauty of the forest in its most stunning state. The Czech Republic artist reveals the…
This is What the Average Person Looks Like in Each Country
The website faceresearch.org allows you to participate in short online psychology experiments looking at the traits people find attractive in faces and voices. They just released a fascinating study which aligns many pictures of individuals from every country and created composite images of what the average face would look like. It’s a complicated process that isn’t 100%…