Tag: photo
Here’s the Truth Behind Those Instagram Photos
The team at @artFido spend a lot of time scouring Instagram looking for undiscovered artists to feature to our millions of followers. It often takes us a lot of time, but we love introducing up-and-coming artists to a wider audience and sometimes we stumble across a little ditty that just makes us smile. One such…
Just Relaxing in Hammocks Hanging Hundreds of Metres Above the Ground!
Afraid of heights? Well this probably isn’t for you. Adventurers and thrill seekers seeking that little bit extra adrenalin rush head over to the shadow of Monte Piana in the Italian Dolomites each year so they can slackline between mountain peaks and hang out in hammocks suspended hundreds of feet above the ground. Vienna-based photographer Sebastian Wahlhütter was there to photograph the Highline…
Amazing Magnified Grains of Sand Become Dramatic Works of Art
To the naked eye, all sand looks pretty much the same. But magnified by a hundred-fold or more, each individual grain exhibits a distinct beauty. Dr. Gary Greenberg photographs what he calls these “dramatic landscapes of hidden worlds” using a high-powered light microscope to give each grain its due. “The reason I focus on sand is to…
Photographer Documents His Children Enjoying Summer in The Countryside
Adrian Murray is clearly one busy guy. He’s a photographer, an artist, a light room expert and an author. Despite wearing all of these hats, he still finds times to be the world’s best dad, as his latest photo series clearly demonstrates. Meet Emerson and Greyson – Adrian’s sons – who are two years and one year old,…
Photographer Captures 500 Colorful Garage Doors in Lithuania
As we’ve shown you many times on artFido, art is everywhere. Even a worn garage door can be art if captured in the correct way. Photographer Agne Gintalaite proved this point in his latest series Beauty Remains, which he took in his home town in Lithuania. As Agne explained, “On a recent trip to the IKEA…
Amazing Photography Depict 1970s Skateboarders Doing There Thing
Back in the days when there were no iPhones, computer games or Guitar Hero, kids went outside to play. In sunny California during the 1970s, the thing to do as a kid was to skateboard. And do it well. Really well. Photographer Hugh Holland documented the ‘ballet on concrete’, to created a fabulous book which…
This Polaroid Camera Takes and Prints Photos Instantly Without Ink
Just when you thought that digital was the future for all things camera, out comes the Polaroid Snap which uses ZINK technology to print without ink, with a special crystal-prepared paper and a matching, in-camera printer. Unfortunately, unlike it’s earlier, beefier brother, it doesn’t have a screen, only a pop-up optical viewfinder. And there’s no zoom, either, but…
Artist Photographs 100 Naked Women To Show The Power Of A Strong Nude Photo (NSFW)
Warning: as the title of this post suggests, this photo series contains a lot of nudity. London artist Nadia Lee Cohen who knows the power of a good nude. “The female form has always fascinated me and featured predominantly in my work; therefore, it was important for me to embark upon a project that allowed me to explore…
Stunning Photograph of Woman’s C-Section Scar and Her Baby
One of the biggest decisions facing a future mother is the type of birth they choose to have when they bring their new baby into the world… a natural birth or a non natural birth. They both have their pros and cons and ultimately the decision comes down to the mother after expert consultation with their specialist.…
Woman Gets Her Body Photoshopped in 18 Countries To Examine Global Beauty Standards
Inspired by artist Esther Honig and using the below original picture, a U.K.-based online doctor service asked graphic designers from around the world to photoshop the model’s form by making her, in their opinion, more attractive to other citizens of each of their countries. “Widely held perceptions of beauty and perfection can have a deep and lasting cultural…