Tag: photobomb

  • Photos Ruined by Dogs Pooing

    Photos Ruined by Dogs Pooing

    We all love our dogs, but sometimes they just don’t care and when they’ve just gotta go. So in the same vain as other blogs you may have seen where the subject of the photo is “photobombed” by someone else, here we have people being photobombed by dogs doing what they know best. So sit…

  • 15 of the Most Hilarious Photobombs Ever

    15 of the Most Hilarious Photobombs Ever

    Wikipedia states that a photobomb is “the act of inserting oneself into the field of view of a photograph, often in order to play a practical joke on the photographer or the subjects”. We’ve always been a fan of the technique, and have put together some of the best photobombing photos the net has to…