Tag: photos

  • Photography Project Takes “You Look Just Like Your Mother” to a New Level

    Photography Project Takes “You Look Just Like Your Mother” to a New Level

    Think you don’t look like anyone in your family? French-Canadian photographer Ulric Collette might just be able to prove you wrong. Collette created mashups in which he takes photographs of two family members, edits half of each face and creates one seamless portrait. He calls it the “Genetic Portraits” series. Turns out gender differences and…

  • Magnificent Surreal Photos by Erik Johansson

    Magnificent Surreal Photos by Erik Johansson

    Swedish photographer and retouch artist Erik Johansson has one of the craziest photography portfolios we’ve ever seen. Erik is completely self-taught in retouching his own photographs to make impossible and extraordinary images. He says his inspiration came from both growing up with a grandmother who painted and having a penchant for escaping into the other worlds of…

  • Twitter Account Posts Fun Anthropomorphic Photos Containing Hidden Faces

    Twitter Account Posts Fun Anthropomorphic Photos Containing Hidden Faces

    If you’re a fan of quick visual jokes, we recommend following the new Twitter account @FacesPics that archives photographs of objects, buildings, and other things that look unmistakably like faces of people or animals. Launched earlier this month the account already has 162,000 followers and counting, and for good reason. Sure, some of these photos have been…

  • Cleverly Manipulated Photographs Of Animals In Fantastic Scenarios

    Cleverly Manipulated Photographs Of Animals In Fantastic Scenarios

    Switzerland-based photographer John Wilhelm has an amazing series of cleverly manipulated photographs, showing animals in all manner of fantastic poses and scenarios. Through the power of carefully composed shots, digital trickery, and a whole lot of imagination, Wilhelm transforms ordinary images into stunning portraits. His highly-stylized shots have caught the attention of users on the photography site 500px, who are divided…

  • Stunning Black & White Makeup and Photography

    Stunning Black & White Makeup and Photography

    Russian photographer Alexander Khokhlov and makeup artist Valeriya Kutsan collaborated on this photographic series featuring heavily made up black & white faces – showcasing ‘op art’ geometry, stark contrasts, and even – Mickey Mouse!   And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido…

  • Incredible Transformation of Ageing Faces Back to Youth

    Incredible Transformation of Ageing Faces Back to Youth

    It takes merely seconds for a number of elderly, aged faces to quickly revert back to their youthful glow in these incredible, animated transformations. Originally posted as a full video, the series was recently transformed by GifCraft into a collection of lively GIF files. The two images are perfectly aligned and, as a yellow bar moves…

  • Switcheroo: Quirky Portraits of Couples Swapping Clothes by Hana Pesut

    Switcheroo: Quirky Portraits of Couples Swapping Clothes by Hana Pesut

    Switcheroo is an ongoing portrait project by Canadian photographer Hana Pesut where fashionably dressed couples are asked to swap clothing for a pair of portraits sent against an identical backdrop. While the premise is pretty simple, the results are often highly amusing because of all the subtle details and unusual juxtapositions. Giant feet crammed into tiny high…

  • Kylli Sparre’s Surreal Conceptual Photography Influenced by Dance

    Kylli Sparre’s Surreal Conceptual Photography Influenced by Dance

    After years of training to become a professional ballet dancer, artist Kylli Sparre realized it wasn’t the path for her and instead channeled passion for dance into photography and image manipulation. The influence of her past career is immediately apparent when viewing her conceptual photographs that depict posed figures, taunt with energy, at the peak of choreographed…

  • The Best Perfectly Timed Photographs Ever

    The Best Perfectly Timed Photographs Ever

    It’s okay. You can blink. Life is full of jaw-dropping, inspiring, and unbelievable moments.  We’ve posted a few of these in blogs in the past (see HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE) and they’ve been extremely popular. So here is another one! What image is your favourite? And if you’re craving more and want your very own…

  • 40 Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals from the 1920s

    40 Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals from the 1920s

    Between 1910 and 1930, a series of 2500 ‘special photographs’ were taken by the New South Wales Police Department. As curator Peter Doyle of the Justice & Police Museum in Sydney explains: These ‘special photographs’ were mostly taken in the cells at the Central Police Station in Sydney and are of men and women recently plucked from…