Tag: pizza

  • SEXandTAKEOUT: a Voyeuristic Photo Series by Sarah Bahbah

    SEXandTAKEOUT: a Voyeuristic Photo Series by Sarah Bahbah

    As the saying goes, “Pizza is a lot like sex. When it’s good, it’s really good. When it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.”  Australian photographer and creative Sarah Bahbah has taken this notion to a whole new level with here series #SEXandTAKEOUT. According to Sarah, “Sex and Takeout was inspired while I was travelling the States with…

  • Renaissance Portraiture, Fast Food Style

    Renaissance Portraiture, Fast Food Style

    Inspired by the beauty of Renaissance paintings, German photographer Rebecca Rütten puts a spotlight on contemporary fast food culture in her series Contemporary Pieces, rendering greasy burgers and takeout containers in the dramatic lighting and classical style of the Old Masters. Elegant aesthetics and unhealthy, calorie-laden meals are juxtaposed in these portraits and still lifes, drawing…

  • The Power of Photoshop… Turning Pizza Into a Supermodel

    The Power of Photoshop… Turning Pizza Into a Supermodel

    There’s a lot of hoo-ha around the ethics of photoshopping, particularly in the world of art, fashion and beauty. Does it encourage unrealistic expectations of beauty and self-image? Probably. But it turns out this is the least of our problems – you literally can’t trust anything you see now as this video from College Humour shows. That pizza you’re…