Tag: princesses

  • Artist Turns Disney Princesses Into Badass 1940’s Noir Characters

    Artist Turns Disney Princesses Into Badass 1940’s Noir Characters

    Artist Astor Alexander‘s latest series looks at changing our perceptions of Disney princesses.  No more stereotypically submissive women, Astor turns Disney princesses into badass noir characters. It’s a “stylish” crime genre, emphasizing cynical attitudes and sexual motivations. Noir fiction protagonists are usually self-destructive, dealing with a corrupt legal, political or other systems. Their stories often…

  • Fallen Princesses: When The Happily-Ever-After Doesn’t Happen

    Fallen Princesses: When The Happily-Ever-After Doesn’t Happen

      One of the nicest childhood memories is how every fairy-tale we heard would always end in words “and they lived happily ever after”. But what if these fairy-tales were continued past this line, and we could learn what actually happened to the beautiful princesses and their knights? Photographer Dina Goldstein imagines what their lives could have…