Tag: pussy cats

  • Japanese Craftsmen Releases a Range of Miniature Furniture for Cats

    Japanese Craftsmen Releases a Range of Miniature Furniture for Cats

    Japan’s Okawa Kagu has just released a new “craftsman MADE” line of high quality furniture for cats. The new campaign entitled “craftsman MADE” is intended to reinvigorate the once-prosperous craft industry of Japan’s Fukuoka prefecture region. Home to 150 furniture-manufacturing factories, Okawa Kagu came up with the idea to merge the internet’s love for cats…

  • Photos of Cats and Dogs Who Destroyed Christmas

    Photos of Cats and Dogs Who Destroyed Christmas

    For around 340 days of the year, your cat or dog may be the most innocent, fun loving creature known to man. However along comes the festive season with all the trimmings and WATCH OUT! Those beautiful fur-babies of yours turn into Christmas-killers, tinsel-terrors and bauble-bashers. These pictures capture some of that carnage… And don’t…