Tag: rome
This Stylish 2,000-Year-Old Roman Shoe Was Just Found in a Well
When the Romans pushed their way north into the German provinces, they built (circa 90 AD) The Saalburg, a fort that protected the boundary between the Roman Empire and the Germanic tribal territories. At its peak, 2,000 people lived in the fort and the attached village. It remained active until around 260 AD. Somewhere during the 19th century, The Saalburg was rediscovered and…
Capturing Grace and Elegance of Ballet Dancers on City Streets Around the World
We often think of dancers as performing just for the stage, but their awe-inspiring moves bring a fresh new perspective when brought to the city streets. Photographer Jean-Pierre travels the world to capture ballerinas among monuments and skyscrapers, as they twist and contort their bodies into graceful movements that complement the surrounding landscape. In front of…