Tag: selling art online

  • The dilemma of selling art online – no touch, no smell, no see

    The dilemma of selling art online – no touch, no smell, no see

    We’ve written about selling art online before. No surprise really, as we are first and foremost a platform built just for that, to buy art and sell art online. However we generally do so with a positive bent. Mentioning how easy it is to connect buyers and sellers across the world. How cost effective it…

  • And the ballroom dancers went around…and around…and around again. A lesson in reading art auction figures.

    And the ballroom dancers went around…and around…and around again. A lesson in reading art auction figures.

    By Meaghan Wilson-Anastasios Hello, old friend. Nice to see you again. It’s good to know some things never change. As regular as clockwork… John Brack’s Backs and Fronts is back on the art auction podium for the fourth time in nine years. Wouldn’t be the first, and certainly won’t be the last rapid-fire repeat customer…

  • Selling art online works for David Giles – artFido’s featured artist

    Selling art online works for David Giles – artFido’s featured artist

    While some artists are reluctant to venture into the world of selling art online, David Giles has done so with enthusiasm and energy. One of artFido’s earliest members, David is currently the most successful individual seller on the platform and to date (March 4, 2013) has sold 38 paintings through artFido. We thought we’d ask…

  • A Warhol for Every Wall – Online Auction of work by Andy Warhol

    A Warhol for Every Wall – Online Auction of work by Andy Warhol

    By Meaghan Wilson-Anastasios In what can best be described as the modern art-world equivalent of a garage sale, Christie’s is currently running an online auction of work by Andy Warhol. As would be expected, Christie’s has tapped into the cultural zeitgeist, and the very pretty micro-site features ‘Warholian Questionnaires’ with the usual suspects – ‘voice-of-her-generation’…

  • Hey now, hey now, my bunting’s back! You can take it to the banksy

    Hey now, hey now, my bunting’s back! You can take it to the banksy

    By Meaghan Wilson-Anastasios. Alternatively, just take the Banksy. Either way, I think someone’s been taking some creative licence with the disappearing Banksy that has just reappeared on an auctioneer’s rostrum in Miami. Fascinated as I am about the transformation of street art to commodity, I’ve written about Banksy and his compadres a number of times…

  • Do artists want to sell their art online? We hope so.

    Do artists want to sell their art online? We hope so.

    artFido has now been up and running for almost 9 months. Over that 9 months we’ve learned a lot. We’ve redesigned the site to make it easier for buyers to find the art they’re looking for. We’ve created featured artist and featured gallery sections. We’ve included testimonials and have just introduced a “popular art” page…

  • Will new art do away with old art?

    Will new art do away with old art?

    There is no doubt that new forms of communication are putting pressure on old forms of communication to ship up. Or shut down. Every week there seems to be another newspaper folding (excuse the pun) or another magazine going online. Will art have to do the same? Will new art forms, like digital art, street…

  • Art Lives Online – How the internet is giving life to art online

    Art Lives Online – How the internet is giving life to art online

    Yesterday the artFido Facebook page reached 20,000 likes. Now for the Nikes and Cokes of this world, that may not seem like much of an achievement, but for a small Australian start-up, that is definitely something to celebrate. It’s almost twice as many as the National Gallery of Australia and seven times as many as…

  • Art and Technology – Where will the future take us?

    Art and Technology – Where will the future take us?

    There can be no doubt that the advancement of technology has had an impact on art. Not only has it increased the ability to share, consider, adore, contemplate, and purchase traditional works, it has in many instances birthed completely new forms of personal expression. It’s doubtful that artists 200 years ago could have imagined creating…

  • How to sell art online – the artFido.com way

    How to sell art online – the artFido.com way

    Trying to get your head around how to sell art online really isn’t that different to trying to understand selling art offline. It all comes down to helping buyers imagine adding the piece to their collection or having it feature in their home or office. However, there are certain things you can do to help…