Tag: street art
Photographer Uses His Daughter’s Lego to Recreate the Works of Banksy!
A photographer has used his seven-year-old daughter’s Lego to recreate the works of street artist Banksy. Jeff Friesen has recreated many of the mysterious street artist’s iconic works from the plastic bricks. The 42-year-old from Halifax, Canada, used his daughter June’s Lego to complete the project he calls Bricksy. Each scene takes Jeff about a day…
Amazing Hyperrealistic Street Art Portraits by MTO!
Artist MTO (short for Mateo) is an amazingly talented hyperrealistic graffiti and street artist. His larger-than-life murals and portraits have become his signature, and regularly stop passers-by dead in their tracks. He has worked in France and Berlin, but like a lot of street artists, his whereabouts remain unknown… In any case, we fell in love with his…
20 Of The Best Cities To See Street Art
We see a lot of street art posts on artFido, but where is the best street art actually made? Where can we see it? To answer these questions, we collected a list of some (not all!) of the best cities in the world to see street art in. On the surface, there’s only one thing…
The Best Street Art Works From Around the World For 2014
Following on from our very successful post “100 of the Best Street Art Photos for 2013“, we’ve searched the world to find you the best street art works from around the world for the first quarter of 2014… Some will make you laugh, some will make you think, and some will make you ask “what…
An Artist On A Mission – Jerry Chacon
Jerry Chacon’s entry in our North American Artist Showcase received the most votes. With almost 20,000, Jerry did an amazing job of publicizing his art. And now we’re happy to return the favor. From his home in Denver, Jerry spends 90% of his spare time drawing. From a comfortable recliner in his studio, and with…
Taking Valentine’s Day To The Street In Brooklyn
A lot happens during Valentine’s Day. People fall in love. People break up. Hook up. Play up and Stay up. It’s a fun celebration that makes hearts flutter all over the world. So, while your inboxes and newsfeeds are filling up with traditional messages of love and images of strange little people with wings, we…
Light Hearted Paintings by an Unknown Denmark Artist Called S.E.M
Following on from Banky’s recent “New York Residency” during October (read HERE), one would be forgiven for thinking that “to make it” in the art world, you need to have a huge support team with tens of thousands of dollars to splash around to get yourself noticed. It’s been a breath of fresh air, therefore,…
Some Kids Graffiti-ed This Man’s Garage Door. His ‘Revenge’ is Simply Awesome!
Some wannabe graffers tagged all over redditor Elusive92‘s garage door hired local graffiti artist “Lake13” to come and create a work of art over the graffiti tags. When life gives you lemons terrible graffiti make lemonade awesome art! Hopefully the local graffiti writers respect this work of art and don’t come back to tag all over it…and if so, we’re sure…
100 of the Best Street Art Photos for 2013
As 2013 comes to a close, we’ve scoured the world to find the best street art created over the last couple of years. With so many great works produced during this time it was a tough job, but we needed to stop somewhere! So here we have the best 100 street art works for 2012…
HUGE Multi Story Mural by RONE in Berlin
Australian street artist RONE recently completed work on this great five-story mural on building facade at Nollendorfplatz in Berlin. The artist is known for straddling the line between beauty and decay by creating large-scale depictions of idealized portraits that appear perfectly composed at a distance, but a closer inspection reveals signs of deterioration and imperfection. You can…