Tag: student
Teacher Uses His Extraordinary Chalkboard Drawing Skills to Teach Students Anatomy
Teachers and educators play a major role in the development of our youth. Their enthusiasm can literally spark a child's imagination and open up a world of possibilities. It is for this reason that we were so excited to learn about the methods of instructor Chuan-Bin who Chung teaches his students about the most minuscule…
Kids Draw the Darndest Things…
As the saying goes, children say the darndest things. What this blog will show you, however, is that kids also draw the darndest things! The images speak for themselves really. The coloring books of kids on full display. We love them! [ABOVE]#1 Little Girl Drew A Picture Of Her Mom At Work. The Mother Is…
Teacher Uses LEGO to Teach His Students Mathematics!
If you were like us when you were at school, numbers didn’t come easy. Times tables? Gah. Algebra? Eek. Calculus? Forget about it. However teacher Alycia Zimmerman has come up with an ingenious method of engaging her students while at the same time teaching them mathematics. Using LEGO, Alycia is able to explain fractions, adding and subtracting,…
Amazing Before-And-After Drawings Show the Value of Practice
“For the first couple years you make stuff,” public radio host Ira Glass stated once, “it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be, but it’s not.” Glass’ pep talk, directed at creatives but applicable to pretty much everyone, may sound familiar. “There is this gap” between your ambitions and reality, he declares, going on…