Tag: wall art

  • Top Ten Tips for Visiting Galleries and Exhibitions

    Top Ten Tips for Visiting Galleries and Exhibitions

    artFido may exist online, but that doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate art offline as well. Many of the sellers on artFido are bricks and mortar galleries, who invest time and money in maintaining a place where we can all go and appreciate new, unique and collectable art pieces. So we thought we’d give them their…

  • Mark Brandon “Chopper” Read – Criminal, Comedian, Artist, Aussie

    Mark Brandon “Chopper” Read – Criminal, Comedian, Artist, Aussie

    Mark Brandon “Chopper” Read. It’s a name most Australians over the age of 20 will be familiar with. A name that brings fear, loathing, laughter and pride all at the same time. Chopper, as we will respectfully refer to him from this point, was recently diagnosed with liver cancer. In his traditional style, Chopper took…

  • Dog Portraits, Art Galleries, George Stubbs and $3.6 million

    Dog Portraits, Art Galleries, George Stubbs and $3.6 million

    Dogs are more than man’s best friend. They’re also very good art subjects. Or so it would seem from the amazing popularity of dog portraits and dog scenes. And we’re not just talking about scenes of dog’s playing poker. We’re also talking about scenes of dogs being dogs. Chasing rabbits, lazing around, sitting proudly in…

  • What is Pinterest? And is it promoting Art or Porn?

    What is Pinterest? And is it promoting Art or Porn?

    Here’s another site you really should be aware of. Pinterest. What is Pinterest? Well, as the name would hopefully have you guessing, it’s a “Virtual Pinboard”. It’s a site where people go to “organize and share all the beautiful things [they] find on the web. People use pin-boards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes,…

  • Classify art by colour? How dare we.

    Classify art by colour? How dare we.

    Delicious is one of the biggest social bookmarking sites in the world. If you’re not familiar with it, you should be. Delicious allows users to bookmark websites that catch their fancy and tag them appropriately, all in the hope of sharing those sites with others in the Delicious community. And the most popular art site…