Tag: wool

  • Artist Creates Hyper Realistic Cats Hand Felted Cats Out Of Wool

    Artist Creates Hyper Realistic Cats Hand Felted Cats Out Of Wool

    Needle felting has grown in popularity in leaps and bounds in recent years, with many textile artists using wool create amazing sculpted creations. Japanese artist Wakuneco has taken the craft to another level, by creating hyper-realistic hand-felted cat faces. The artist uses wool of various different colors and creates 3D portraits of cats using needle…

  • 93-Year-Old Grandma Shares 30 Years of Embroidered Temari Balls

    93-Year-Old Grandma Shares 30 Years of Embroidered Temari Balls

    Back in 2009, NanaAkua uploaded an incredible 468-picture gallery on Flickr that featured the amazing embroidery work of her then 88-year-old grandmother over a span of 30 years. Her grandmother practices a folk art form known as Temari. Meaning ‘hand ball’ in Japanese, the art form was introduced to Japan by China around the 7th century A.D. Traditionally, Temari…

  • Men’s Crochet Shorts Made From Recycled Vintage Blankets

    Men’s Crochet Shorts Made From Recycled Vintage Blankets

    Crochet and men are all the rage at the moment. Individually and as a pair.  Our last escapade into men and crochet uncovered Crocheted Food Hats (HERE). However Schuyler Ellers, who runs the Lord von Schmitt Etsy shop, has taken the art of crochet to a whole new level with their series of men’s crochet shorts made from…

  • Artists Create Kitchen Out of Knitted and Crocheted Yarn

    Artists Create Kitchen Out of Knitted and Crocheted Yarn

    Fifty artists spent seven months combining yarn crafts with the décor of yesteryear to create this truly original piece: a crocheted kitchen. The cozy scene includes a table set with Thanksgiving dinner, a sink with counter space, a stove range, a refrigerator, a China cabinet and an assortment of wall decorations. Of course, each item…